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The full -scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine prompted many Euro...

From F-35 to K2 and K9: How Romania Buices Army Modernization Technique

The full -scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine prompted many European countries to change their approaches to the army. Romania is a striking example because new equipment is ordered by hundreds and the amount of contracts is calculated by billions. Romania has become a reliable partner of Ukraine since the beginning of a full -scale war. Like Warsaw, Bucharest invests billions of dollars in building his own army.

The focus analyzed what and how much weapons the Ukrainian neighbor buys. During the full -scale war, Romania helped Ukraine during the export blockade through Poland. She also actively involved in military assistance to Ukraine, in particular, will transfer to Kiev a full Patriot SPR. Romania not only purchases American complexes, but also partially localized the production of components in the country.

Romania's air fleet is planned to be updated because the country has one F-16 AM/BM squadron and only recently brought out the old MiG-21. Now the Ministry of Defense is aimed at the purchase of 5 generation fighters-F-35 aircraft. It is 32 boards and a potential contract for $ 6. 5 billion. At the same time, the entire army budget for 2022 was $ 5. 19 billion. In addition, the European air-air missiles and the "air-land" of Scalp can integrate into Romanian fighters.

A potential agreement with aircraft will be the most expensive contract for Romania in history. The Romanian army has Soviet T-55 tanks and domestic TR-85, TR-85 M1 Bizonul and T-55am. In total, about 360 cars that are already morally outdated and needed. To do this, Romania already purchases American tanks Abrams M1A2 Sepv3 in the amount of 54 cars. Also, a $ 1. 07 billion contract will include 4 Brama M88A2, 4 M1110 bridge latch, as well as 4 M1150 AV assault machines.

The cost of ABRAMS is almost $ 20 million per one. In addition, South Korea continues expansion and offers Romania its K2 tanks. Among the advantages is the rapid supply and potential localization of production. In addition, the cost of K2 will be approximately $ 18. 7 million per unit if you take the cost of tanks for Poland. Seoul proposes not only to buy tanks, but also to prepare Romania infrastructure for the supply of heavy machines.

The K2 mass is 55 tons, and the bridges and other solutions are designed for up to 50 tons, due to the fact that the country was part of the Warsaw Treaty. Seoul's proposal may be profitable because Abrams are even more difficult and their combat mass may exceed 65 tons. On July 15, information appeared that Romania could buy from 300 to 500 K2 Black Panther tanks. The first batch of 50 tanks can pay in cash, writes MBC News. In 2024, South Korea sent combat vehicles to test a potential agreement.

Another South Korean manufacturer - Hanwha Defense - received a contract for $ 920 million to purchase self -propelled K9 art stations. Seoul will produce: one division of 18 artsystems and 12 security machines cost almost $ 306 million. Romania will become the third K9 Operator in the world, and for Hanwha it will be a tenth customer. For the Romanian army, the purchase is critically important because they have only 40 Carnation and its license version of Model 89.

The other artillery is represented by old guns and howitzers. The largest defensive budget in history enables Romania to widely plan the modernization of the army. In particular, in 2024 a tender should take place for 2. 99 billion euros, for which the military wants to receive 298 BMP. The main contenders are: Romania's conditions are production localization. This applies not only to infantry fighting vehicles, but also tanks, artillery and air defense complexes.

Romania wants to reduce its dependence on foreign suppliers and strengthen its own production base. South Korea is the fact that Romania has already chosen it for the supply of artillery. Bucharest will give Ukraine a battery of Patriot. A defensive department opposed the supply, but through Russian missile strokes of politics, they decided to transfer the Armed Forces an additional anti -missile complex. Romania's airfield renewal began in 2017.

At that time, 7 Patriot Pac-3 batteries were ordered in the United States for almost $ 4 billion. Four of them will be in the air forces, and three more - in land. The first complex came to the country in September 2020. Not counting the supply of Ukraine, the country had four batteries, of which only one was in a state of combat. The localization of Patriot is the production of Skyceptor anti -aircraft missiles.

Electromecanica ploiesti factory capacities will be enough not only for Romanian needs but also for the needs of other countries. Also in December 2023, Romania ordered and had already received the first CZRC of Chiron. The total cost of the contract was $ 100 million for 54 KP-Sam Chrion installations. One complex cost almost $ 1. 85 million. The range of the complex will allow the targets within a radius of 5 km and at a height of up to 3. 5 km.