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According to the co -founder of Cyber ​​Unit Technologies Yegor Aushev, security...

"You may break": Ukrainians have been called to change passwords after attack on "Kyivstar"

According to the co -founder of Cyber ​​Unit Technologies Yegor Aushev, security is an important element during the war. The attackers can use information in the citizens' phone against the Armed Forces. Kyivstar mobile operator users are advised to change their passwords immediately, as the consequences can be unpredictable. This was stated by Cyber ​​Unit Technologies, Yegor Aushev in an interview with NV Business on December 14.

According to him, now our country is in a state of war and cyberwar is not something separate. In this regard, the consequences of a hacker attack on Kyivstar can affect every citizen. "If something happens, what you do not understand, it will not be superfluous to change the passwords on the resources you use. Data theft regularly. We are in a state of war, cyberwar, in particular," Yegor Aushev said.

It should be borne in mind that the passwords should be changed regularly, whether there are cyberattacks or not. It depends on the safety of citizens, because anyone is a goal for malefactors and Russian hackers. The expert notes that if the user has not done it for more than three months, then the situation should be corrected. The safety of both military and civilians depends on such simple actions.

"It is your personal safety, the safety of your relatives, the safety of your friends, relatives, the military, for example. Because you can break to access the military or your social networks, and understand where one person is. It is an element of national cyber resistance. It is important to remember, " - summed up Yegor Aushev. We will remind, in the morning on December 12 there was a large -scale failure in the work of the mobile operator "Kyivstar". Subscribers had no connection and internet.