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According to experts of the Institute of War, the Armed Forces of the Russian Fe...

Russians continue to attack but make the same tactical mistakes - isw

According to experts of the Institute of War, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are ready to spend a huge amount of equipment for the sake of small tactical purposes. On July 24, the Ukrainian forces reflected one of the largest Russian mechanized attacks in Ukraine since October 2023 in the west of Donetsk region.

Geolocation footage, published on July 24, show that the Armed Forces stopped the strengthened Russian mechanized attack in the battalion near Konstantinovka to the southwest of Donetsk. Having analyzed this and other attacks, experts of ISW (Institute of War Study) concluded that, despite the absurdity of such measures and to the fact that such attacks continue to exhaust the Park of Russian Military Engineering, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to make the same mistakes.

79th Separate Airborne Tavriya Brigade, operating in the Kurakhiv direction, reported that the Russian forces were attacked simultaneously from different directions at dawn on July 24 and used: the Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian air intelligence identified mechanized columns at a distance and the defense forces were used artillery, drones and mine fields to repel the Russian offensive. As a result, at least six tanks, seven BMPs and all motorcycles were destroyed or damaged.

The Russians retreated. ISW last observed how Russian forces conducted a mechanized attack in the size of a battalion in Donetsk region in March 2024. The Russian forces did not carry out greater mechanized attacks in Ukraine since the first days of Russia's four -month operation to capture Avdiivka in October 2023. Apparently, the invaders intended to move to Konstantinovka in their efforts to capture the settlement and cut the highway T-0524 Village-Konstantinovka.

This is their main tactical goal in this direction. However, ISW believes that even if the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is theoretically and success in this direction, but are unlikely to be able to keep the area under control, since the surrounding area has no promptly significant goals and mainly consists of fields and isolated small settlements and not It has significant tactical heights nearby.

However, the Institute of War Study was amazed at the readiness of the Russian military command to spend a large number of armored vehicles on limited tactical purposes. According to experts, this reflects poor long -term prompt prediction, and restrictions on Russian equipment in the medium -term and long term will make such unsuccessful mechanized attacks even more expensive.

"The Russian military has relied widely on the restoration of Soviet weapons and military equipment, especially armored vehicles, to maintain the pace of their offensive operations in Ukraine," - said in ISW, but in their view, if Russia continues in such a spirit, then the Russian government, the Russian government, the Russian government, then It is likely that the Russian economy and the defense industry will have to be mobilized.

"Russia depletes its limited Soviet reserves, but it is unclear whether the Russian defense industry will produce enough vehicles to withstand a high level of loss of equipment, even if further economic mobilization," the Institute reported, as an example of the study of the Frontelligence Insight. In Ukraine, she monitored the number of Russian military equipment.

The Russians moved hundreds of equipment, mainly restored old armored vehicles, such as T-62 and T-55 tanks, to the front in June and early July 2024. Frontelligence Insight noted that these restored cars have not yet appeared on the battlefield, and believes that Russia can be preparing to be used at the end of 2024.

The organization states that Russia's internal documents show: Russian tanks damaged over the last six months (about January 2024) are expected to replace details, and the widespread lack of engines has led to growing cannibalization of more modern T-80 tanks for repair. However, there are enough armored vehicles in Russia to carry out periodic and larger mechanized attacks throughout the front line in the foreseeable future.

The readiness of the Russian military command to bear high losses of armored vehicles for the sake of minor tactical benefits instead of preserving armored vehicles for operations that pursue promptly significant goals will lead to significant costs for Russian troops, as restrictions on the equipment of the Russian military will worsen in the coming years.

The Russian military can try to restore the maneuver on the battlefield and achieve rapid success through mechanized maneuver, although large -scale front -line mechanized attacks that are ongoing indicate that the Russian military command has not fully learned lessons about the difficulties of mechanized maneuver in Ukraine . We will remind, Focus wrote that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have success in Donetsk region.