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Researchers say the size of the open exoplanet is almost perfectly in line with ...

On the "back yard" in the ground found its double: exoplanet is located only in 22 light years

Researchers say the size of the open exoplanet is almost perfectly in line with the earth. In the orbit of a small red dwarf, which is located just 22 light years from us, we have found the planet the size of the ground with us, writes Sciencealert. The exoplanet is called LTT 1445 AC and it is about 1. 37 times larger than the mass of the Earth, and its radius exceeds the earth about 1. 07 times. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel.

Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! Unfortunately, the planet is too high for a living temperature. But the incredible similarity with the Earth makes the planet invaluable to study how the planets develop and that made such a world similar to the Earth is unsuitable for life. For the first time, the planet LTT 1445 AC was found to be found in the Telescope data, which hunts exoplanets.

But during the observations, there were some difficulties that could not accurately identify the characteristics of the planet finding. The fact is that the exoplanet lives in a very unusual system: her parent star, around which the LTT 1445 AC rotates is one of three stars, gravitationally connected in one system. Telescope TESS detects planets using the transit method, but the data on LTT 1445 AC was poorly readable. Hubble space telescope came to the rescue.

Using his wide -angled camera, a group under the direction of Astrophysics Emily Pass from Harvard and Smithson's Astrophysics Center conducted a system of LTT 1445 AC transit. Some eclipse of the star light, which was seen in the TESS data, was the result of the interaction of three stars with each other. The team also managed to capture the planet's passage in front of one of the stars, which made it possible to measure the diameter of LTT 1445 AC with high accuracy.

Having data on the radius and weight of the planet, scientists have determined that the density of the world is 5. 9 grams per cubic centimeter. For example, the earth has a density of 5. 51 grams per cubic centimeter. This indicates that LTT 1445 AC is probably a rocky exoplanet, very close to the ground in size and composition. But unfortunately, the conditions on the open planet do not contribute to the emergence of life.

The parent star of the planet is a red dwarf that is colder and more dull than our sun. At the same time, the planet rotation period is only 3. 12 days, which means that its temperature is about 260 degrees Celsius. A further description of the exoplanets can help us understand how earthly worlds are formed and developing in other systemic architecture, which, for their part, can help scientists find out the likelihood of life in other places of our galaxy.