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At the end of December 2024, a contract for Russian gas transit territory of Ukr...

Without transit: If the supply of Russian gas stops the territory of Ukraine - what are the consequences

At the end of December 2024, a contract for Russian gas transit territory of Ukraine to Europe loses its effect. Experts said that there would be further and whether Ukrainians may have interruptions with the resource through transit stops. Stopping the transit of Russian gas with the territory of Ukraine, which can take place in early 2025, will probably create more opportunities for the Russians to impress the Ukrainian gas transmission system with rockets and drones.

However, Ukraine's gas facilities and gas storage facilities are still taking place. Focus writes about it in the article "Winter without gas. Whether dangerous rocket strokes on gas storage facilities and whether there will be interruptions with gas supplies. " "If we are talking about rocket or drone strokes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, there were still separate attacks on gas facilities.

In Kharkiv region, in particular, and on the objects of terrestrial infrastructure of gas storage in Western Ukraine, there were reports of attempts to damage the terrestrial infrastructure. . In his opinion, Russian gas infrastructure blows are testing whether they can really have any effects on a gas safety situation in Ukraine, whether this may somehow influence the production and possibility of lifting gas from storage. "So far, the targets are not any gas transportation system.

For obvious reasons. Because the transit of Russian gas continues. After the mistakes of 2022-2023, they are apparently feared They are supplied to Slovakia, Hungary and Austria, we can say that they are still interested in the gas continued to swing and move on to the European buyer, "the expert explained. In his opinion, if the transit is stopped, measures should be planned to protect the important and vulnerable gas infrastructure.

"It is necessary to plan both measures for more vulnerable and important objects, as well as the formation of warehouses of spare equipment, planning of operational actions, if an object is affected, how to quickly deliver the repair team and in the short term restore the functionality of the gas transportation system", - Roman Nitsovich noted.

According to Mikhail Gonchar, the President of the Center of Globalism, the strategy of the XXI, the Russians expect that even after the transit contract is completed (which will take place at the end of December 2024) the sale of Russian gas to Europe will continue. It is worth planning measures to protect important and most vulnerable gas infrastructure, experts "They (Russians), I understand, still expecting the transit will continue.

I think, contract, will not be extended, although such an option is provided. If the transit is preserved, except in the form when the GTS operator will conclude appropriate agreements with European gas buyers on the Ukrainian-Russian border and will not be transported by Russian gas throughout Ukraine, but the gas of these European buyers. In the Russian border.

Speaking about the risks for Ukrainian consumers in the event of the discontinuation of Russian gas transit by Ukrainian GTS, Mikhail Gonchar noted: "The situation was in the field of attention since 2009, when Russia staged us a gas crisis when Gazprom and the Kremlin were seriously pierced when they thought that they would blossom that they would be blocked The transit will be stopped by a reverse system The language in 2019 was that the transit may not be elongated, how to work the system without transit gas.