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Estonia's Foreign Ministry is urged to treat the incident calmly. This case fits...

Russian border guards stole the Estonian fairway on the Narva River - the media

Estonia's Foreign Ministry is urged to treat the incident calmly. This case fits into the practice of provocations inherent in Russia. On the night of May 23, Russian border guards removed 24 floating buoys installed in the Estonian waters of the Narva River Border Guard to designate the fairway. About it reports ERR. It is noted that since the river bed changes over time, Estonia and Russia are reinforced in the river, which denote the fairway.

And if previously established by mutual consent, since 2023 Russia has not agreed with Estonian positions. "We decided to put floating signs on the summer season according to the 2022 agreement, because they are needed to avoid navigation mistakes so that our fishermen and holidaymakers do not fall into Russian waters," said the head of the Border Guard Bureau Eerick Purgel, said that the first 50 buoys were installed on May 13.

This year, Russia disagreed with the places of installation of about half of 250 boobs and on the night of Estonian border guards found that Russian border guards had removed 24 pieces. The Police and Border Guard Department contacted the Russian Border Service and demanded clarification on the removal of the buoys and their return, waiting for the Russian Federation that the previously agreed fairway has changed. And if not provided, the Estonian side will continue to install buoys.

For its part, the Foreign Minister Margus Tahkn added that this case should be treated calmly, since Russia's current actions are invested in the provocative scheme, which it has been managed in recent years. We will remind, earlier Focus wrote that in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation declared intentions in a single order to change maritime borders in the Baltic Sea near NATO member countries: Estonia, Lithuania and Finland.