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Currently, the Zaporizhzhya NPP for Russia is one of the ways of pressure on Ukr...

If the Russian troops leave the ZPP - Russia is losing war. The Maga mission could help with this

Currently, the Zaporizhzhya NPP for Russia is one of the ways of pressure on Ukraine and the world on September 1, the mission of the International Nuclear Energy Agency (IAEA) has arrived in a temporarily occupied energy for checking the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZPP). Although Rafael Grosssey's head left the NPP on the same day with the main part of the mission, two mission inspectors remained at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant on a permanent basis.

They will monitor the work of the station. Not in Russia's plans for Russia is perhaps the worst news. Of course, the IAEA mission itself, the purpose of which to unblock the Zaporozhye NPP, was not part of Russia's plans. What to say about staying at her experts, because Russian invaders gave permission for only one day. After all, in the Russian Federation, other plans, given the equipment of the Russian army, which is located close to the atomic reactors of the station.

ZPP is the last defeat for the Russian Federation and one of the main ones for Ukraine's victory. First, because the ZPP is the largest nuclear power plant in the EU and the third in the world. Secondly, the ZPP is a good lever for the blackmail of Russia of Ukraine and the world: threatening to blow the station and practically wipe everything from the face of the earth, the Russian Federation hopes to force Ukraine to sit at the negotiating table. Playing in long Russia is no longer satisfied.

Moreover, it was not planned for a full -scale invasion. And too - now. When the support of the entire civilized world on the side of Ukraine. The idea of ​​Russia - to provoke the leakage of radiation from the reactors of the NPP, even without their blasting - can be brought to life. Remember the Fukushima NPP accident. In 2011, an earthquake occurred in Japan, which damaged power lines and high -voltage equipment at the station.

This led to the immediate automatic stopping of the reactors and the termination of the energy supply of pumps that pump water for their cooling. In such situations, backup diesel generators are turned on, which remove the residual heat dissipation of the reactor. An hour after the earthquake becomes tsunami. Water floods the room with the same diesel generators, the station is disconnected. The power units have failed the emergency cooling system, which causes nuclear fuel melting.

As a result, explosions. Why the Maga mission came to the IAEA mission at the ZPP - there are 14 experts headed by the head of nuclear agency Raphael Mariano Grossi from Argentina. It was included in both representatives of friendly countries in Ukraine - Poland and Lithuania, as well as either apolitical, or those who support the Russian Federation: Albania, France, Italy, Jordan, Mexico and Northern Macedonia, and diplomatic opponent of Ukraine - Serbia.

The question of the objectivity of assessing the security situation at the ZPP can arise from the representatives of these countries. Ukraine called on the UN and the IAEA to send a security mission to the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant on August 8, 2022, after the events of August 6, when Russian troops were fitting trucks to the first and second power units of the nuclear power plant, and some time part of the auto column.

The main goal of the MAE mission is to ensure physical protection of the power plant, to guarantee nuclear security and non -proliferation of nuclear materials. In addition to the above tasks, the delegation should state the facts of violation of all nuclear security protocols at the Zaporizhzhya NPP, around which and from which Russian troops conducted "air strikes and artillery shelling".

The Russian army interfered with the IAEA as it became known that the IAEA mission inspectors moved the territory of the ZPP and communicated with the station staff in the presence of Russian military and employees of Rosatom, who are not entitled to be there. Therefore, the work of the mission can hardly be called objective. The Russian soldiers even had their own shelling maps, which, of course, according to the occupiers, the Ukrainian military.

The Russians convinced representatives of the mission that there are troops of radiological, chemical and biological protection at the station, not combat units, and fired the Armed Forces of Ukraine. To all, the occupiers were not missed by the IAEA of the Ukrainian and World Media, but only representatives of propaganda resources. And there is no Second Opinion - there is no truth.

Russia should be removed from the territory of the Zaporizhzhya NPP if the Russian troops leave the ZPP, stop firing the station, and its work will be controlled by Ukraine again, the IAEA mission can be considered fulfilled and it will be possible to talk about at least some security for Ukraine and Europe. It is not enough to recognize Russia with guilty of already made shelling. It is important to prevent the leakage of radiation on the NPP.