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The barbaric blow to Okhmatdit leaves Ukraine with no other choice: either a tot...

Ohmatdita blow: before what choice Putin put Ukraine

The barbaric blow to Okhmatdit leaves Ukraine with no other choice: either a total war or a surrender, says volunteer Medician Gennady Druzenko. Putin is ready to go to everything in this war - so Ukraine has to go for unprecedented, extraordinary measures. Invitation to the total war when the emotion after yesterday's tragedy was a little bit, the brain became involved - and began to analyze what was yesterday's attack on Ohmadit. It was as symbolic as possible.

In Isida, more people were killed, but the destruction of the new building of the best children's hospital of Ukraine in the center of the capital in the white day was a challenge: Ukraine, event, humanity. Public Declaration: There are no rules in this war and will be. The horde will not stop in order to break our will to support. In fact, it is an invitation to the total war. Or surrender. Because only in such a war in Ukraine is there a chance to withstand and in this sense to win.

The Russian-Ukrainian War has become a new normalness for the world. The event accepted that Ukraine became a battlefield where it proxies with the axis of evil. How long it will last - it is unknown to anyone. While the Ukrainians are ready to fight, the event will give them weapons and money. But (!) He never - at least before the end of this war - will not open a security umbrella over Ukraine.

Because the Western Strategy for Russia is the fundamental principle of the Cold War: No Kinetics! Only Proxies! In this situation, the choice is not rich in us: totally mobilize the government, economy, diplomacy, MIC and people - whether to prepare for humiliating conditions of Putin. To choose the first option, critical is the restoration of mutual trust between the authorities and society. And the gradual transfer of the bet on your own forces.

Because the event will never allow us a total war against Russia. And we can win by only mobilizing. Whether we are capable of this - will convincingly attest a jump (or its absence) of the number of those who want to voluntarily mobilize to the Defense Forces of Ukraine in the coming days. Because Matskva curses in FB are good only for the release of an emotional couple. They do not cure their own or kill the enemy.