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From October 22 to October 24, a three -day Brix unification summit was held in ...

Brix is ​​expanding by nourishing Putin's ambitions: what was at the summit and what is threatening the event

From October 22 to October 24, a three -day Brix unification summit was held in Russia, where Russia co -founded. Leaders have hardly spoken about the war in Ukraine, but intended to challenge the US dollar and expand Brix. The focus gathered everything that is known about the summary. Two dozen world leaders have gathered at the opening of the three -day Brix group summit, which, according to the Kremlin, has to challenge the event.

France 24 emphasized that this meeting is the largest in the Russian Federation since the beginning of a full -scale war. Brix is ​​the abbreviation of the main members of the group: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. However, Russian President Vladimir Putin has expanded the Economic Union by inviting his other partners to meet. In particular, the summit has expressed a desire to join Turkey, which is a member of NATO at the same time and maintains ties with Moscow.

Also, as reported to the AP, official applications for membership were submitted by Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan and Malaysia. The Guardian informed that some countries did not appreciate the idea of ​​expanding the Brix group. In particular, Brazil vetoed Venezuela's membership. "Many insist on the division of the world into friends and enemies.

But the most vulnerable are not interested in simplified dichotomy; what they want is a lot of food, decent work and high -quality public schools and hospitals," Brazil's President Lula de Vrazil said. Silva. Cuba, Bolivia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Belarus, Turkey, Nigeria, Uganda, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are also expected to join the Economic Union. The main issues are the BRIX payment system, which should compete with SWIFT and escalation in the Middle East.

Putin urged to create an alternative system of international payments that could prevent the US from using the dollar as political weapons. However, it is clear from the Ittow Commun that it has made slight progress. The Kremlin head reported that almost 95% of trade between Russia and China occurs in local currencies - rubles and yuan.

However, the idea of ​​deduumarization of the world economy is not separated by Brazil and India, which is not close to the completely Processing and anti -Western position. Also, despite the criticism of Ukraine, the UN Secretary General Anthony Guterres arrived. Its pressecretic assured that the Western representative would not depart from any of the war positions. The New York Times reported that Putin had told Brix members to start shift to "multipolar world order".

He is convinced that the "irreversible process" is already ongoing. Reuters published key points of the Kazan Declaration issued by the Brix group after the summit. The countries have expressed "serious concern" due to the deterioration of the situation and the humanitarian crisis in Palestine. Israel the group accused of the onset of the tan "led to massacres and injuries of civilians.

" The document also mentions "The need to reform current international financial architecture" for greater inclusivity and justice. It is noted that the Russian Federation initiated the creation of a platform for grain trade within BRIX. The countries have congratulated the use of local currencies and the benefits of "faster, inexpensive, more efficient, more transparent, safer and inclusive cross -border payment instruments.

" At the same time, Brix recognized the importance of "continuous and productive functioning of the G20". The Hindu reported that India's Prime Minister Naandra Modi supported local currency trading and urged more countries to use the UPI payment interface developed by India. In Roszm, "Lenta. ru" posted Putin's photos with an unusual banknote in his hands. It turned out that the "symbolic bill" Brix was presented to him during a summit in Kazan.

It is not known exactly which of the participants of the meeting on the Russian side prepared it. The Kremlin reported that the banknote "symbolizes the joint work under Brix. " However, it is reported that Putin did not like the idea of ​​the gift, although he smiles in the footage. According to the media, Putin believes that it is early to talk about the unified currency of Brix.

At the same time, local expert Leonid Khazanov assured the Russians that she would be able to slip the dollar in the global and regional money markets. The New York Times emphasized that Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was the only leader of the NATO country who participated in the Brix Summit. He turned to Putin as a "dear friend. " The DW emphasized that the summit first took place in a personal meeting of fashion and SI after the tension that arose in 2020.

Then 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers were killed in the border battle. After the event, both countries intensified the controversial border to the military. "Indian-Chinese relations are important for the peoples of our countries, as well as for regional and global peace and stability. Mutual trust, mutual respect and mutual responsiveness will manage bilateral relations,"-said fashion after a meeting with SI.

"The two parties should strengthen communication and cooperation, properly resolve differences and fulfill each other's dreams," SI told reporters. Modi noted that the Brix block is "40% of humanity of the world and about 30% of the economy. " "Brix has achieved a lot in the last two decades. I am sure that in the near future this organization will be a more effective means of counteracting global challenges," he added.

China Daily reported that Xi had a "in -depth exchange of information" with world leaders within the summit. According to him, Brix members must act as "common security guards". China also promised to create 10 foreign training centers in the group. Xi assured that the "deep friendship" of China with Russia would not change, and the responsibility of the two countries to "benefit the world" as well.

He advocated the strengthening of relations with the Russian Federation, promoting the "right view of the history of World War II" and firm support of the UN -oriented international system. "We must adhere to three key principles: no expansion of battles, no escalation of hostilities, no fire and strive for the rapid de -escalation of the situation," SI said in Ukraine, as Jakarta Globe passed.

The Washington Post noticed that the war in Ukraine was paid little, but it still "hanged" over the event. In the Kazan Declaration, which occupied 43 pages, Ukraine was only mentioned once. The members of the group in their calls to peace were "cautious and cool. " Only Brazil stood out, which directly criticized the invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as "unacceptable". "We support dialogue and diplomacy, not war," he also said.

Countries supported a peace plan of six points that calls for de -escalation, mutual humanitarian aid, a peace conference that Russia and Ukraine should come, and prohibition of weapons of mass destruction. Members of the Brazilian delegation on the conditions of anonymity said that their government was concerned about escalation in Ukraine and the transformation of a conflict into a global war.

However, one of the officials noted that it is impossible to change the balance in the military field now, and there is "great fatigue". He predicted a shift after the US presidential election. "The call to Russia is fully issued, to pay reparations, to send Russian officials to the criminal court - it is difficult to believe that the Russians will accept something of it," the unnamed member of the delegation added.

The Guardian noted that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has already rejected the Brazilian alternative to his own peace plan. He is convinced that this will only give the Kremlin a political space to continue the war. The fashion in the publication was called "the most relevant of the world leaders", because he openly advocated peace in Ukraine. At the same time, Chinese leader Xi Jinping discussed the war with Putin during a private meeting.

It is known that the Kremlin head made a categorical statement about the temporarily occupied territories. Moscow is not going to give four areas in the East, which it considers part of the Russian Federation. Most likely, it is about Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions, which the Kremlin has already included in its territories.

The Professor of China University of Foreign Affairs Lee Haydun in a comment to Global Times reported that Brix countries play the main role of communication and facilitating the situation in resolving current safety crises. The countries of the Global South have exhibited the partnership of the West, including military assistance, as exacerbation. At the same time, they advocate for diplomatic approach and political decisions, that is, negotiations.

Experts in the estimates of the Brix Summit 2024 for the Kremlin and the West dispersed. One thing is clear - Putin has shown that he has support and the ability to cooperate with other countries despite his war. "For Putin, it is an opportunity to present Russia as not isolated. The agenda Brix itself is quite superficial. Not so much is achieved. But the important pure optics and the picture is important," - said Alexander Gabev, director of Berlin Center Carnegie and Eurasia in a comment to NYT .

It is noted that the visit of so many leaders in Kazan is also a "victory" for the Kremlin. Like the fact that the first official meeting of Xi and fashion took place in the Russian Federation for the first time in more than five years. "He can assign it," the expert explained. According to analysts, the presence of Erdogan illustrates his inner struggle between affection for the West and the East.

Turkey remains a strategic partner in NATO, but refused to join sanctions against the Russian Federation and has increased trade with it. "Ankara believes that the world order headed by the United States is declining and wants to survive in a multipolar world, standing in every camp. She wants to stay in NATO and trade with Brix - and now the world is so fragmented that she can do it," - The employee of Brookings Asli Aidintasbas explained the employee of Brukings.

According to her, both Turkey and Russia can get a lot from meetings. She specified that Erdogan and Putin "needed each other" for various reasons, and Brix is ​​a good cover for bilateral negotiations. An independent analyst of the Turkish-Russian relations, Cerim Hass, suggested that Turkey was looking for investments from Brix to support its economy. According to him, the funds of Erdogan's event are not enough, so the leader took up the search for other investors.

In particular, it is China and India. In addition, it is possible that for Turkish President Brix has become a group that cannot be ignored now. "It is as if there is a train to sit on. If he is late, it will be more difficult for him to become a member," the expert said. Aidintasbas emphasized that even if Turkey does not receive an invitation to full membership, Erdogan seeks to "scare" Western allies.

"Erdogan wants a better geopolitical agreement with the West, and Brix can be a useful tool for that," she added. The Washington Post noted that the risks of joining the Brix group, which is increasingly led by the ambitions of Russia and China to put an end to the global dominance of the United States may contain some countries. In particular, Kazakhstan decided to refrain from accession, his decision was also divided by Indonesia and Algeria.

Argentina rejected the invitation, and Saudi Arabia participated in the summit, but membership has not officially issued. Although Brix is ​​attractive to many countries in the global south, not all members of the Economic Union support the anti -Western program. Analysts have suggested that China, Russia and Iran are running such a course, but Brazil, India and South Africa are seeking a neutral approach.

At the same time, the White House was assured that they did not see the threat of Brix in the summit. "Russia is increasingly isolated on the world stage. This is not in doubt," said the spokesman of the National Security Council John Kirby. The Indian Express expressed a different opinion, evaluating the summit as a clear message from the desire to cooperate with Russia.

It is noted that the Russian Federation is still considered attractive because of its strategic importance and as a supplier of weapons and energy. Western experts reject Brix Group as too diverse to be agreed. Indeed, its members do not have a common territory or culture, and even their political regimes differ. However, according to media estimates, Brix has become an influential block in world politics. Remaining an economic group, it does not avoid propaganda and its policy.

"She (Brix group, ed. ) Constantly raised the issue of discrimination and hierarchy in the international system. Its members feel dissatisfied with the fact that they are not represented or insufficiently represented in such institutions as the UN Security Council, the IMF and the World Bank," - It is in the material. It is reported that most new members of Brix are oil and Islamic states of Western Asia and Africa. The economic and political influence of Brix will be expected to increase.

In addition, in the updated composition, Brix represents the Union of countries with the highest production and consumption of energy. This creates an environment for energy corridors in the future. However, the publication also mentioned some "troubles" due to the expansion of the group. In particular, due to the large number of decision -making members, it will be a problem. Brix has the principle of consensus, and its achievement can be an impossible mission.