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In the area of ​​responsibility 33 of the Armed Forces brigade in the Kurakhiv d...

The RFF Armed Forces were selected to the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces under Kurakhov: details from the fighter 33 brigade (video)

In the area of ​​responsibility 33 of the Armed Forces brigade in the Kurakhiv direction there is a conditional lull, said Nazar Voitenkov, a presenter of the unit. Meanwhile, the Armed Forces General Staff reported on almost 50 Russian assaults that took place in the neighboring areas of the front. The units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for about a week do not show activity on separate shades of the front in the Kurakhiv direction.

Previously, they tried to storm armored vehicles and landing units. Now two people are crawling into the forest, hiding under the camouflage grid. Nazar Voitenkov spoke about the situation under the Kurakhov Presenter of the 33rd OMB. Voitenkov stated that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation did not storm the positions of his unit for about seven days. At the same time, the military reminded that this does not mean that the enemy refused the idea of ​​occupation of Donbass.

But so far, 33 brigades are a relative lull. "Russians never lose faith that they are able to capture more cities in Ukraine, because it is such an imperialist ideas I can still confirm, " - explained the presenter 33 brigades of the Armed Forces. According to Voitenkov, the latest activity of the Russians in the shaped 33 brigades took place about a week ago. It was then that there were attempts to rush forward armored vehicles and landing.

For the last few days, this has not been, instead, the enemy tried to go forward in small groups that slipped into landing and accumulated 10 people. For advancement, the Russians use tricks, for example, pull on a rectangular plate camouflage nets, hide under this design and crawl in fields. However, UAV operators find such tricks and stop immediately, the fighter assured.

"These were the occupiers, we covered them with discharges of grenades, and in fact, on that their path on earth ended," he said. The reports of the Armed Forces General Staff indicate how many storms of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation spent in Kurakhiv direction. Russian attacks were 27 in the morning of September 7, 47 on September 8, on the morning of September 9 - 30. On the same days near Pokrovsk - 28, 44, 39, respectively.

On the map of DeepState analysts, the latest changes in this area have taken place south and north of the H-15 highway to Zaporozhye. The distance from the edge of the front line to the outskirts of Kurakhov is about 12 km. It should be noted that on September 6, analysts of the Institute of War Study noted that the Russian command plans to press in the Kurakhiv direction to align the front and move towards the administrative boundaries of Donetsk region.

In addition, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are interested in promoting the route, which connects Donetsk and Zaporozhye. On September 9, DeepState reported that the Russians occupied the village of Vodyane, located near Kurakhov north of the carbon. The fighting for the settlement lasted about a week and eventually the enemy advanced for 3 km, cutting the road to the coal.