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Dutch technology offers a system that allows you to run dozens of drones at the ...

"Hells": As battle drones from boxes can change the war in Ukraine (video)

Dutch technology offers a system that allows you to run dozens of drones at the same time and easy to control them to destroy the enemy. VRR INC from the Netherlands has developed technology for launching drones from boxes called Hellhive ("Hell hive"), which can potentially change the fighting. Date for DATS Security Alesy and Technical Director Kevin Ernandez told the details for Forbes.

Hellhive is based on a transport box, which with the help of Holowarrior software turns into a starting platform for small and cheap shock drones - these are now massively used in war in Ukraine. As Kevin Ernandez explained, such containers allow you to safely store, transport and quickly launch copters in a "smart way". In the simplest hellhive configuration is a container with a spin-cutting, where you can place drones so that they quickly fly in turn.

With the help of Holowarrior, you can program drones by specifying the take -off time and route. The Batmode special program, in turn, allows UAV to sit down, increasing the time of work ten times or more. Not only to land on a flat surface, but also to cling to the branches of trees or wires, like a bat, using a special hook (in the future it is promised to replace with a robotic hand).

A group of military people with such a complex can constantly monitor a certain area and arrange an enemy ambush, attacking from close distance. Another advantage of technology is that it can be used not only on earth, but also from vehicles, such as pickups. In this case, manufacturers say, friendly drones can protect the car from enemy and other equipment. Hellhive can be installed on wheel or tracked work for delivery to a launch or ambush.

Unmanned ships can also transport containers for attacks of ships or land purposes, as well as reflect the attacks of other surface drones. For distant operations, containers propose to install on UAV. The developers have described one of these devices, reminiscent of a rocket wing, which delivers 40 shock drones at a distance of almost 3000 km and produces in the desired area. The cost of the carrier is estimated at about $ 150,000, which is much cheaper than Tomahawk.

In this case, the rocket can only hit one goal, and the squadron of drones - a whole column of military equipment, all planes at the air base or the position of air defense. It is not enough to simply bring drones to the target area - you also need to control them. This task is assigned to the Holowarrior program. Its augmented reality interface uses a combination of 3D modeling and displaying cards for a better understanding of the environment and faster reaction.

In doing so, it reduces the load for the pilot. An additional data from other sources can be applied to the image from the camera, for example, separating the position of friendly and hostile forces or showing information from reconnaissance UAVs or satellites. A mini-card is also displayed on the screen to easily find different objects. This scheme allows one operator to control any number of attackers, launching them alone or groups, depending on the situation.

In Ukraine, according to the media, operations with the use of drones are quite complex, because each pilot should be assisted by a technician that checks its serviceability, installs a battery and ammunition, and then installs a homemade starting ground. As a rule, it is collected from bricks, pieces of wood or drawers. Pre -packaging in rod boxes can accelerate the process. VRR Inc conducted a demonstration using conventional cardboard boxes, showing how quickly drones can be launched from them.

Hellhive also includes containers protected from bad weather, with lids that automatically open. Complexes can be activated remotely, without the need for human presence. "After the drones leave the plant, they do not need human intervention. They can lie in a box for months and start remotely. The idea is to simply send robots," Ernandez explained. The big problem in Ukraine is the means of radio electronic wrestling, which "blazes" the signals between FPV-Drons and operators.

VRR suggests that after starting the system will need no connection, as several methods of guidance are maintained. For example, drone programming to get a point on a map or machine vision that is already used in Ukraine. Other multiple start-up solutions, such as 6-recharge Multi-Pack Launcher for Switchblade 300 from Aerovironment, use special tubes. They are expensive, also need compressed air or other fuel, work only with a specific type of apparatus.

Hellhive can be adapted to start many existing drones. VRR already has a couple of small pentagon contracts, but they want to combine copters in swarms that can carry out mass attacks with minimal cost. According to Forbes, this idea is ahead of the US Army plans for the deployment of small UAVs and accelerate the transition to the full -scale wars of drones.