41.93 UAH ▼0.48%
43.92 UAH ▲1.25%
52.03 UAH ▲1.31%
10.42 UAH ▲2.3%
1.75 UAH ▲1.94%
The available list of prohibited media trips from the Russian Federation is supp...

In Ukraine banned popular pirate online cinema from Russia: List of sites

The available list of prohibited media trips from the Russian Federation is supplemented by 86 sites of HD Rezka, Baskino and Filmix platforms. Dozens of different domain names were used to work for work. Ukraine has increased the number of sites used to provide access to Baskino, Filmix and HD Rezka blocked. This was reported by the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council.

It is noted that in connection with the new websites identified by which pirate services remained freely available for users from Ukraine, the regulator made the appropriate decision. In total, 86 websites of three main platforms are supplemented by 86 websites. Baskino-33 Websites: Baskino. Day, Baskino. fm, Baskino. se, Vu. baksino. website, www. baskino. mom, ze. baskino-space. fun, Baskino. binko. bask , Baskinoo. com, Baskino. film, Baskino. Club, Baskino. So, Baskino. ai, hdtv. baskino. is, film. baskino. is, Baskino.

is, Baskinotv. com, Baskinokz. mekoz. mekz. mekozkinokz. . NET, BASKINO1. PRO, RU6. BASKINO. ONE, RU6. BASKINO. LINK, RU2. BASKINO. One, ru16. baskino. one, ru12. baskino. one, nu13. baskino. one. one, N1. baskino . hd-baskino. com, c. hd-baskino. com, Baskino. im, nu30. baskino. bond; Filmix - 13 websites: filmix. fm, filmix. ws, filmix. pics, filmix. news, filmix. live, filmix. la, filmix. fun, filmix. mex. pub, filmix. fan, filmix. fan, filmix. pub . pro, filmix. watch; Hd rezka-40 websites: rezka. biz, rezka-ua. tv, hdrezka-me. net, hdrezka. club, hdrezka. buzz, hdrezka.

loan, hdrezka. rest, hdrezka. . . cment. hdrezka. todyay, hdrezka. win, hdrezka. tips, hdrezka. vip, hdrezka. solutions, omnirezka. tv, www. hdrezka. by, rezka. bid, rezka. ac. ac. ac. The-Hdrezka. net, rezka. plus, rezka. gg, hdrezka-Play. com, hd-rezka. mov, hd-rezka. tv, hd-rezka. su, hdrezka. news, hdrezka. in, hdrezka. in, hd-rezka. tv rezka. re, rezka. it, hdrezka. it, hd-rezka. one, hd-rezka. pro, hdrezka. ing, hdzo-rezka. net, hdrezka7. com, hd-rezka. one.

Upon amendments, the National Commission for State Regulation in the fields of electronic communications, radio frequency spectrum and provision of postal services (NKEC) should bring to the providers information about restrictions on access to the identified sites. To date, 27 services have been included in the Black List of Media Records of the aggressor state.

Recall that the recommendations of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting to journalists on words that should not be called Russian invaders have been freely available for only 10 days. Focus also wrote that social networks are actively discussing the bill # 11321, which allegedly obliges the media to delete negative comments on readers to politicians and officials.