Unlike the geographical pole, the magnetic does not have a fixed location, changing in response to magnetic activity under the earth's crust. In focus, technology appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! Now an unknown event under the surface forced the molten iron in the nucleus of the Earth to move at a lower speed, so the movement of the magnetic North Pole slowed down to 25 km per year.
Such data were provided by the world magnetic model, which monitors the magnetic poles of the Earth. According to experts, it is half less than the speed recorded in the 2000s and almost 16 km a year less than in 2020 during the last model update. "For a very long time, the magnetic pole has moved very slowly around Canada, somewhere since the 1500s. Over the past 20 years, it has accelerated and shifted toward Siber 40 km a year, "says Siaran Beggan from the British Geological Service.
According to him, scientists have never observed such behavior that it in itself complicates the forecasting of changes in the magnetic field. "At the same time, the magnetic South Pole is moving very slowly. And we do not know exactly why such differences are observed," Beggan adds. Despite the fact that such changes may seem far from everyday life, they affect our lives quite strongly. For example, magnetic compasses are a cornerstone of modern navigation, even compasses on smartphones.
Shifts in the magnetic field of the Earth can also affect the drilling of oil and gas wells, or the study of seismic activity on the planet. The magnetic North Pole was first discovered in 1831 by Sir James Clark Ross, a British Arctic researcher. Since then, the magnetic pole has moved towards Siberia. The fluctuations in the magnetic North Pole may depend on the "jet flow" of liquid iron in the nucleus of the Earth, says Professor of Lidza Phil Livermore University.
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