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Businessman Andriy Stavniter said that he wanted to reconstruct the hotel, for w...

"Dreaming of Reconstructing it": The owner of the destroyed hotel in Odessa commented on the effects of the attack

Businessman Andriy Stavniter said that he wanted to reconstruct the hotel, for which he bought a share from private investors and already closed the agreement with the state during the war. On the night of September 25, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation attacked Odessa with winged missiles and shock drones of the Shahd-136/131. There was a shock infrastructure under the blow, in particular, the destruction was undergoing a hotel "Odesa".

The co -owner of the damaged hotel Andriy Stavniter commented on the consequences of a night attack. According to him, he, like most of Odessa, also did not like the hotel building, as a "Monument of Rozviliv and Nesmak", but he dreamed of building a beautiful, modern walk in Odessa and wanted to reconstruct it in the future, so he put in it in it . "I dreamed of reconstruct it at last.

I dreamed of it for a long time, I invalled millions of dollars, bought a share from private investors and, despite the war, closed an agreement with the state. I even picked up a few world urbanists and architects. Creatures. In Odessa it will be as beautiful as you never dream in your nightmares, "Stavniter wrote. He noted that fortunately, it was without casualties.

"Now, it is a time when people ask each other-and in God-forgiveness for deeds and even thoughts, because everyone is writing a book of fate for the next year. I know the whole country that will not apologize. " Said the hotel owner. We will remind that on September 25 the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation again attacked peaceful Ukrainian cities, including Odessa and the region. The enemy used both rockets and drones-Kamikadze of Iranian descent Shahd.