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Ladies and Gentlemen! Dear guests! Dear participants of the Crimean Platform! Co...

Russia has caused isolation of Crimea, we will return the whole world for Crimea - the presidential speech at the third summit of the Crimean Platform

Ladies and Gentlemen! Dear guests! Dear participants of the Crimean Platform! Congratulations to all of you. Honor today to meet you. But before I open this summit - this is the third summit of our Crimean platform - I want to tell you about one girl. She is a citizen of Ukraine and the Crimean Tatar. She is 25 years old. She has a very warm, loving family. And in the family, her name is "Bojack". Crimean Tatar means "insect". Small in height, very good and sincere daughter of her parents.

Her father is seriously ill. Unfortunately, he has cancer in the last stage. She tried to go to her father. Just to support, just as a child to help. Or at least see. Just see . . . none of us are given how much life time is really given to everyone, everyone. But we all know and feel that every day with our loved ones is true happiness. Happiness that cannot be deprived. This girl is called Lenie Umerov. She has been behind bars for more than six months. Now she is in Moscow. In the detention center.

And this is one of Russia's most rigid investigative. The only connection of this girl is her family lingering is her letters. Short letters that occasionally be transferred to freedom from behind the lattice. All its so -called crime before Russia is that Lenny tried to travel to her sick father to the occupied Crimea. And now Russia wants to award her 20 years in prison. Ordinary girl.

And this is only one of the many examples of the repression of the invaders against Ukrainian citizens in the Crimea, against the Crimean Tatar people - a strong, great people, against the Muslim community of Crimea. Against men and women, very young and good people. They are different, these people. Indeed. Someone was a journalist and told the truth. For Russia, it is a crime. Someone's activist and fought for the truth for his people. Someone just wanted to confess their faith freely.

Someone tried to bring the end of the occupation. And for Russia all this is equally crimes. Like the desire to simply be with your family in your native Crimea, regardless of the occupier. Dear participants, dear participants of the Crimean Platform! Solidarity depends on our solidarity when the Umerov, Nariman Jalyal, and Vladislav Esipenko, and the Mustafayev server, and Irina Danilovich, and many other people, real people whom Russia deprived freedom in the Crimea captured by it.

People whose home was taken away. Which they break life. They are bullied daily. And which are entitled to the main thing - the right to live. Have the right to live freely. To live with dignity. To live in your native land, to live without occupation and without occupiers. The Crimea will be de -industry. Like all other parts of Ukraine, which are now, unfortunately, under the occupiers.

And when someone in the world talks about it - about our territory, which is occupied by Russia, every time it is not a mention of empty land. And about the land of children, about the land of parents. Millions of families, different people, different destinies. Lives that were and what else should be. And they will. All these lives must be free. Ukraine does not trade territories because Ukraine does not trade people.

The point on this! And everyone who is here, who participates in the Crimean platform, who supported the formula of peace, who seeks to complete the criminal and unprovured aggression of the Russian Federation - you all affirm that human life is invaluable. It is very important. I am very grateful to you. It is this principle that should be at the heart of any relationship, international relations. Life is priceless. And invaluable international law that holds the protection of human life.

Ladies and Gentlemen! For me, honor to announce the beginning of the third summit of the Crimean platform. This year 63 states, international organizations are presented at the summit. States of Europe and Asia, both America, Africa. Every year more and more participants. There is more global consent that occupation is a crime against international law. Against people. I thank everyone who came to Ukraine on the Crimean platform to anyone who will participate online through their special appeals.

I will particularly note the parliamentary component of the Crimean Platform, which enables representatives of different parties from different countries. I thank you for helping you, Ruslana, that we are involved in our parliamentarians who equally value the principle of territorial integrity of all states, the UN Charter and international peace. This is important not only for Ukraine, but for many countries. Those whose borders may be at risk of hostile invasion.

And which should be constantly, are firmly protected from predatory policies against peace. I thank all the parliamentarians who are now here and who will participate in the work of the Parliamentary Summit of the Crimean Platform, which will happen in the fall. What is the main task of the Crimean platform? Prepare de -occupation. We understand how to return to Crimea. We understand how many steps we need to take. We understand how difficult it is, such an important task. But we see this path.

For a year that has passed after a preliminary meeting on our Crimean platform, Ukrainian soldiers did extraordinary things. Ukraine has shown that the liberation of our land during combat operations is not accidental. Everything is deserved. It is the heroism of our people and defensive support from our partners. I thank all partners. The courage of Ukrainians and the solidarity of the world that work for such a desirable common result. Ukrainian forces move forward.

Despite everything, no matter what - forward, and this is the most important thing. We are moving. And when Russia recedes from the captured territories, it simply closes the eyes on it - to its weakness. Russian society can also close their eyes to the departure of the invaders from the Crimea. During the year, we proved that global stability is possible only with the participation of Ukraine and only when Russian aggressive intentions lose.

Proof of this - on the dining tables of all families on Earth. When we managed to clear part of the Black Sea from the Russian invaders and launch our grain export by sea, food prices on the world market decreased again. The Black Sea is the key to world food and therefore social stability. Crimea is the key to safety in the Black Sea. You cannot leave the keys in the hands of terrorists and we will not leave.

Ukraine has a clear vision of how a normal, peaceful, just, democratic life will be restored in Crimea after we dismantle the Russian tyranny on our Ukrainian peninsula. Everywhere where Russia goes, the rule of violence is established. We will provide the rule of law. We will return the true meaning of Crimea infrastructure. Throughout the history of Crimea, its ports and roads have been connected with Ukraine and the world. Russia has caused the isolation of Crimea.

We will return the whole world for Crimea. The post -war transformation of Ukraine will provide for Crimea such economic changes that will allow it to work and be economically attractive throughout the year, not just in the season. We already have support for international, national, and local Ukrainian levels, which are ready to go to the Crimea and start working immediately after de -occupation.

These are powerful brands of international hotel networks, airlines, banking businesses, technological and telecommunication companies, industrial companies, these are energy companies. As part of the Ukrainian economy, Crimea will be part of the global economy, and today we are making the first such economic step. We sign the first document with companies that are ready to come to Crimea for Ukraine. This is an open document, it is open to join any other honest business.

Thousands of Ukrainian, European, global companies will come to Crimea. Companies such as Ryanair and Royal Haskoning have been declared about their willingness to invest. The restoration of Crimea is supported by the International Association of Hotels and Tourist Organizations, whose representatives are present here. I am grateful to them.

At the summit - SkyUp/Joinup, Vodafone, Luxoft, SoftServe, Gonesis, Sigma Software, Squad, Ribas Group, Edem, Okko, Lifecell, Nokia, Hyatt Ukraine, Epam, EPAM, POLS. Anii, I Everyone is very grateful . . . who will build in Crimea along with others a real, normal, modern, free economic life. Russia's activity in Crimea has led to the destruction of ecosystems on the peninsula and in the surrounding waters has become catastrophic.

Instead of Crimea terrorist bases, national parks and reserves are needed. Instead of ammunition warehouses for aggression, international cruise liners are needed. Instead of fences surrounded by estates of military criminals and corrupt officials of Crimea, new modern public spaces, new modern technological companies, a new modern university are needed.

Only Ukraine is able to bring modernity to the Crimea, and thanks to its presentity, thanks to security, it will be possible to guarantee high quality of life in Crimea. It will be a decent life that everyone who supports Ukraine supports for Crimea. Ladies and Gentlemen! The recent letter of Lenie Umerova states that the words "dignity" and "freedom" have no price. And it's true. They are priceless. The price is delayed. The price is in fear.