
Generalpad in Putinsk: standing for large-scale cleaning in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The arrests of several Russian generals, journalist Vadim Denysenko considers another Putin special operation for internal consumption. Its most obvious goal is to sow the atmosphere of general fear and distrust. Prison in the Russian Defense Ministry.

What this means despite the daily news about the detention of a general, we can, with a great fate of probability, believe that all these cleansing is not so much on the army, but by the "splicing" of three structures - people Patrushev, Chamezov and the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, important, but minor persons, which are not straight curators of the corresponding clans.

The main example is the written reports of the Deputy Defense Minister Tsalikov (right hand hand) and Kryvoruchka (Cemezov's Creativity, is responsible for purchasing in Rostech), but there is no movement for them. Neither personnel nor criminal. In fact, the system is now suspended. Everyone understands that the folder is on it, the choice can fall on everyone and therefore the system not only tenses, but looking for who to swear allegiance.

But swear so that you are not planted for the betrayal of predecessors. The phrase "expectation - a scary death" characterizes the situation as best as possible. At the same time it is necessary to pay separate attention to the detention of two generals from the system of the army itself, not the Ministry of Defense. General Popov was detained solely for one reason - he was criticized by Minister Shoig's criticism a year ago.

The system shows that people with their own critical thought do not need it. The Deputy Head of the General Staff has been detained for a bribe in unhappy 36 million rubles - it is a bell to all that despite the war, the system will also plant people responsible for the war, if these people will fault.

While the planting looks rather chaotic and it is very difficult to distinguish a common denominator, and this once again suggests that there is a more important process of launching fear and distrust than anything else. Plus, all these things always start social elevators that will allow you to create (raise) a new loyalist military elite. The basic question of who stands behind it. After the detention of Timur Ivanov, I believed that it was Patrushev's game in such a neoandropovshchyna.

But the fall of Patrushev from Olympus shows us that at least he cannot be a conductor of these plantings. What we can say exactly is that Putin is personally approved by Putin. The circle of those who can be behind this as a conditional conductor (s), relatively restricted - is the head of the FSB Bortnikov, his first deputy king, head of the Department of Military Counterintelligence Yuryev and head of the parishioner Bustkin.

Until we have not understood the role of President Dumin's assistant and whether he is attached to these processes. It can be argued that Patrushev's curatories have stopped over the security forces. The only curator of security forces was Putin. You can also say 100% confidence - the idea of ​​these purges appeared earlier and in vain Putin made his first public event after the election 17. 03 at the FSB College.