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American missiles a week struck a number of important goals in the Black Sea and...

Attacks on Crimea: What important goals struck ATACMS missiles in a week (card)

American missiles a week struck a number of important goals in the Black Sea and the eastern front of the front. The advanced complexes of the Air Force of the Russian Federation did not cope with the task: explosions heard a number of Crimean cities. The focus found out what accurate weapons were capable of in the Armed Forces and whether it would solve the result of a great war. The Russian army felt the power of American missiles atacms.

The exact strikes of Ukraine's defense force have been struck by ships and military facilities in the temporarily occupied territories since May 19. The largest example is explosions in different areas of Crimea on the night of May 24. The Ministry of Defense of Russia confirmed the attack of ATACMS missiles, but stated that regular air defense equipment allegedly destroyed three shells.

Eyewitnesses have heard at least six explosions in the Simferopol area and about eight - in the area of ​​Belbek and Novofedorivka. At least five powerful explosions occurred in Alushta. Late on the evening of May 23, explosions heard in Simferopol, Sakah, Alushti, Yalta, Jianka and Evpatoria. One of the goals of the missiles was the communication unit between Alushta and the Satera - an important point of distant cosmic communication with Russian apparatus on the moon, Venus and Mars.

Successful operations were also conducted against Russian ships in the Black Sea. On the night of May 19, they destroyed the Sea Fleet of the Russian Fleet of the project of the 266-M "blacksmith". A successful hit of a pair of ATACMS rockets on a ship indicates the AFC from the USA more accurate versions of ATACMS missiles, the Forbes magazine wrote. It is noteworthy that terrestrial plants for starting ATACMS missiles are usually used not against the sea fleet, but for land attacks.

Probably, Ukraine has received M48 modifications up to 270 kilometers or M57 ATACMS with 200 kilograms of flying at 300 kilometers, concludes Western reviewers. "M48 and M57 missiles are more accurate than it was expected. If ATCMS destroys Russian warships in Sevastopol, it is difficult to imagine what will be with the Black Sea Fleet," said Phillips O'Brien, Professor of Strategic Studies at Saint-Endrius University in Scotland.

American shells are also dangerous for the Kerch Bridge: the C-400 Far Action C-400, which protects Sevastopol and the adjacent Belbek airbase, could not intercept them. Another striking example is the defeat of the Russian rocket ship "Cyclone" in Sevastopol. The UK's military intelligence emphasizes in this case a successful combination of percussion drones and ATACMS missiles. Cyclone is one of the four Russian Karakurt ships equipped with calibers.

The ship has been in the Black Sea since 2022, but two ships could be sent to the Caspian Sea after a series of successful Ukrainian attacks. Another ship was severely damaged after the attack in November 2023. Thus, the Navy of the Russian Federation remained without "cyclones" in the Black Sea, intelligence. The Armed Forces demonstrated that ballistics works not only on earth but also in the sea, which is a unique military achievement.

In March 2022, the point-u missile destroyed the large landing ship "Saratov" in the port of Berdyansk, mentioned in the dialogue with focus the head of the security programs of the Center of Globalism Center XXI Pavlo Lakichuk. "Atacms in the Crimea passed" Sea Baptism ", but in general for ballistics in the hands of the Armed Forces - the second successful episode. Probably American engineers and the military did not know what their weapons were capable of," - comments the expert.

The United States passed the ATACMS missiles with less range but cassette. These ammunition is effective for plane purposes: aerodromes and helicopters. Casette shells of ATCMS showed themselves in the area of ​​the village of Mospine, Donetsk region on May 22. The blow was struck by the Russian C-400 Triumph Aircraft Complex: two starting installations, 96l6E radar and control. American ammunition has certainly discovered new opportunities for strikes on Russian objects in deep rear.

Unfortunately, Western partners have not yet allowed the Armed Forces to work on the territory of Russia, says Lakichuk. "The most effective lesion occurs in the first period when the enemy did not find ways to protect. It was with Himars installations, Storm Shadow missiles and planning bombs," he explains.

The high frequency of blows in the Crimean peninsula pursues two main goals: "They beat on the saint, which is why the West and Ukraine are now put on Crimea," - said the Colonel of the Armed Forces, military expert Petro Chernik. Strikes in the Crimea are a challenge to Putin personally and the ruling elites under his control, who see "the inability of the leader to protect the peninsula. " It should be understood that Crimea is superior to Moscow by Crimea, a confident expert.

In addition to the direct destruction of ships and expensive launchers, the strikes practically depreciate the achievements of the Russian MIC. The question arises: do the complexes C-400, C300, Thor-M, Beech and the shell-C1 are really competing? According to Chernyk, the volume of their sales for export after arrival of rockets will be reduced by several times. The enormous damage within the coastal part of the Crimea will be caused by the Sea Baby Sea drones.

It is extremely difficult to see a non -ex -boat in the sea. However, the maritime battle is only part of the general military strategy. The result of a full -scale war with the Russian Federation will be resolved on land, concluding Anatilin. Focus has earlier wrote how senior officials in the United States argue about giving Kiev the right to strike military facilities in Russia.