
Measurement of temperature in dogs and experiments in the Russian Federation: Senator has published top strange investments of US Department of State

Randal Howard Rand Paul is a pro -Russian politician, a member of the Republican Party, known to Ukrainians that he blocked urgent assistance to Ukraine of $ 40 billion in the spring of 2022. American senator Randal Howard Rand Polish stated that he found a grant of $ 2. 7 million from the United States for researchers from St. Petersburg. They conducted medical experiments on animals, which caused protests of American zoo defenders. The senator reported this on the page of his official site.

According to him, doctors performed surgery on the brain, and then put them on treadmills and sent video to the United States. According to the senator, a grant for Russian doctors is not the only strange expense of the United States. Paul also announced the purchase of the US Department of Defense for 8,000 dollars of aquarium for lobsters.

The Pentagon thus lost $ 90 million due to improper storage of 80 gas turbine engines, the same fate befell transmission for 12 million and tank chassis for another $ 68 million. American taxpayers, through the six -million grant of the International Development Agency (USAID), paid for the advertising of Egyptian tourist monuments and financed the "graphic short stories" of the Ministry of Internal Security - comic books on the control of misinformation.

The US federal budget also paid temperature measurements from 16 labradors of different colors to find out that the color of wool does not affect the temperature, and the "violent" change of gender into macaque groups in favor of science for $ 477 121. Kentucky State Senator Randal Howard "Rand" Paul is a pro -Russian politician, populist, member of the Republican Party. In 2022 he blocked urgent assistance to Ukraine of $ 40 billion.

And then, and now he opposed the provision of foreign aid according to the Air Force, leading senators - Republicans and Democrats - "found a rare in such cases unity, agreeing that Ukraine, which is in difficult position", but was refused to support it. A proposal that required a unanimous decision. He demanded the adoption of special legislation to strengthen control over how the money will be spent. "It is impossible to throw it in the wind $ 40 billion without any supervision.