
Winter campaign. What means moving to a new phase of war and when it is over

With the beginning of winter, the war in Ukraine moves into a new phase. Earlier it was reported that the fighting is already in the protracted phase. The focus understood that it changed on the front and what phase of the war the political leadership speaks. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that since the beginning of winter the war in Ukraine is in a new phase. "We have a new phase of war, and this is a fact. Winter in general is a new phase of war," Zelensky said in an interview with AP agency.

The President also noted that he is satisfied that the defense forces do not retreat, but is dissatisfied with the fact that the army is losing people. He also mentioned military assistance from partners who did not provide the weapon they wanted from. In general, Zelensky acknowledged that a quick result from the counter -offensive failed and this is a fact.

By the way, the causes of slow counter -offensive and not such results, as it would like, was previously the commander -in -chief of the Armed Forces, General Valery Zaluzhny. In his material for The Economist, he noted that the current level of technological development does not allow you to move faster, and the nature of the fighting is more reminiscent of the frontal actions of the First World War.

Currently, the media and social networks are actively spinning the topic about the conflict between Zaluzhny and Zelensky. Truth be told, recently the President does not even mention his head. It was, for example, during his daily appeal to the Ukrainian people. The head of state listed the names of the commander, with whom had conversations with recently, there was no Zaluzhny there. It is worth noting that the concept of "war phases" is more literary, which is used for more understanding.

In military science, what understanding, it is about operations. It is military operations that have a transition between phases and differ in a number of criteria. For example, it can be strategic, front or army when it comes to the scale of military operation. In time, it can be - first or subsequent operations, already for the goals - offensive or defensive.

A huge number of military terms, which is included in the vocabulary of the Ukrainian population with the beginning of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation, does not always have a conceptual basis. Therefore, there is confusion in the understanding of the "phases of war" or "plans of war".

Military expert Oleg Zhdanov explains that the words of President Zelensky about a new phase of war were likely to be said for more accurate information about the state of affairs, not about changing the operational situation on the fronts. "Probably the President was incorrectly expressed or referred to not at all what was considered to be military terminology. In the sense of the military there are campaigns, that is, summer, spring, winter campaign, about winter for some time and say.

In my opinion Zelensky meant, "he says focus. According to the military expert Pavel Zrozhny, if we talk about changes to the war in Ukraine, he has already spoken about Zaluzhny, in his material for The Economist. Ukraine's defense forces have objective reasons for reducing counter -offensive actions that looks like a transition to a new phase.

"The protracted phase of the war said the Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny, when he described the situation in the material for The Economist. It should be understood that in the situation that has now happened, it is unrealistic to break through the opponent's defense line. Reb, reconnaissance drones, artillery systems and shells to them, air defense/ABP systems. No country will now be able to provide us with all this in the required amount.

That is why, for any quantitative and qualitative changes in these issues, we will find in this protracted phase. Yes, these are not very good news, but the positive is that the enemy also does not have the necessary resources for his offensive, "he explains focus. Military expert, reserve Major Alexei Hetman says that Zelensky's words about a new phase of war do not mean changes on the front and the transition to defense.

Winter is already the latest phase, because the fighting will have to be conducted in new conditions. He recalls that the army cannot always be in the offensive, requires a break, restoration of strength and resources. "First of all, we will have to be prepared to reflect the enemy's attacks throughout the demarcation line. Add here the need to build fortifications in the north and east, which the president spoke in his address.

This is necessary for the enemy not to try to make an offensive on a wide range again Front. The army should be put into operation by spring, renewing equipment and personnel. This is a new phase of war, which will continue until winter will end, " - explains the focus of the hetman. According to Oleg Zhdanov, the winter campaign will be characterized by positional fights, a war on exhaustion, active counter -battery measures and the fight against logistics chains.