
"I am amnesty as a war": Girkin's terrorist is afraid that "Kremlin will be removed"

The former leader of pro -Russian militants is convinced that Eugene Prigogin was a "great danger" to Moscow, so he rejects the version of the accident. His greatest fear is to be the next goal. The Russian terrorist, former FSB officer and exit of pro -Russian militants in Donetsk region Igor Girkin (Strelkov) is concerned that he can be "removed" as Head of PEC "Wagner" Yevgeny Prigogine. He told about it in an interview with Baza Media, published on December 7.

"My arrest happened a month after Prigogine's rebellion. I am most afraid that instead of ordinary punishment, I am" amnesty "as well as the cook," he said. Girkin agreed that it was necessary to punish "strictly" for the rebellion in wartime. But he stressed that it should be done through court. "Even after Amnesty, Prigogine was a great danger to Russia at the head of his illegal PEC" Wagner ". However, no one was held accountable for the removal of Prigogine.

The president voiced a version of involuntary death - I do not believe in this version," - said the terrorist. He is convinced that the "trigger" for the violation of the case against him was instability in Russia. According to him, the situation is deteriorating, and the authorities feel "the weakness of their situation. " "In general, I consider this event as an interesting precedent: after making the accusation, I do not have a place on the ground where I would admit a law -abiding citizen.