
Slipping aviation of the Russian Federation. What does the opponent mean the loss of another A-50 aircraft

The analyst Alexander Kochetkov summarizes the successful hunting of the Ukrainian air defense on the next aircraft of the Far A-50 intelligence. For Russian aviation, this loss is the same as for a person - partial loss of vision. Our air defense fell beautifully and the Russian air defense has fallen out of the next (and super-valuable) Russian aircraft DLV A-50U. The second time, which is a fantastic achievement.

Because in the world, we have not been beaten by any aircraft of the far -ray detection system, and we were two, and one was damaged at the airfield. Without a long -range reconnaissance aircraft, the hostile aviation is not completely blind, but blinded for sure. Its actions become situational and low -margin. Therefore, such planes are kept as a critical component of the Air Force. I constantly emphasize that missiles can be produced and purchased from its allies. But the DRLV planes - no.

The Russians have been trying to create A-100 for ten years-the next generation DRLV plane, and-in no way. In this area, first of all, on modern radar systems, sanctions work. There are now six such aircraft left in Nonimperia, and no recharge is expected. Even more difficult is the situation with the preparation of crews for these aircraft - it requires artificial highly qualified specialists, the prisoner from the colony will not be published there.

He warms separately that the enemy has again underestimated the possibility of our air defense. As expected, he pushed the route of his reconnaissance aircraft away from the front, but not enough. It will now be pushed away, but this will significantly reduce the effectiveness of such intelligence. What is of particular importance before we have F-16 aircraft. I do not want to disclose the details, but with the likelihood of a successful attack could be performed by "Patriot-Pac 2" or SPRC C-200.

However, after a special modification to increase the range and change the control algorithms. Undoubtedly, the developers of such modifications deserve the highest state awards. About C-200. I would like to remind that in 2001, during the joint exercises of air defense of Ukraine and Russia in the Crimea, the C-200V missile did not hit the aircraft, the system of self-destruction did not work. The rocket flew 260 km and found a passenger airliner.

Vopli of hostile propagandists who have already fallen under the "friendly fire" of the Russian air defense is a full delusion. The quiet goal, which flies on a pre -famous circular route, does not identify as a hostile even the most dull calculation of air defense. Especially twice in a row. In this sense, the option is more "likely" that the Russian scout pilots took with them a grenade, began to play it, throw each other, and it exploded.

This is not ridiculous, because it is an official Russian version of the disaster aircraft with Prigogin on board. Please note that it is more convenient for Russians to recognize their own soldiers than to assume that they are successful actions of the Armed Forces, which they are unable to prevent. Therefore, the path to victory is to cause the enemy of undeniable defeat that they will not be able to hide.