
Shahheda and rocket flock: what is known about the effects of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Kiev and the region (video)

As a result of the shelling of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which occurred at night and in the morning of August 26, disruptions with water supply began in Kiev and emergency shutdowns of light occurred. Russian drones were knocked down above the region, one person was injured, the OVA reported. On the night of August 25-26, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation attacked Ukraine with several waves of Droni-Kamikadze "Shahaned" and missiles of various types.

At night and in the morning, residents of Kyiv and Kyiv region heard explosions in the sky, and the Air Forces of the Armed Forces, meanwhile, posted a warning about the threat of a new wave of Russian means of damage. Ruslan Kravchenko, the head of Kyiv OVA, reported on the Facebook page about the course and consequences of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of Kyiv OVA Ruslan Kravchenko.

In Kiev and the region, air alarm was announced at 2:51 because of the threat of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. As of the time of publication of the article, it still has not been canceled - the duration exceeded eight hours. In the monitoring channels and in the Air Force channels, the Armed Forces were warned that Ukraine was threatened with a pack of drones-Kamikadze, which penetrated through the eastern and southern borders.

At the same time, it became known about 17 military aircraft of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which risen into the air and headed to the place of start of the missiles. It was about 11 TU-95MC, which launched the winged missiles X-101, and six TU-22m3, carriers X-22. In addition, there were launches of "calibers" from the Black Sea and "daggers" from Mig-31 aircraft. Oriented trajectories of the movement of some Russian means of damage were through the Kyiv region.

The Kiev Ova reported the first explosions above the capital for about 3 hours. - 10 minutes after the alarm. About 8 hours. Focus sources have confirmed a new series of loud sounds that can speak about the work of air defense forces. The following information was received at 8:25. The military administration confirmed that the capital was suffering from the rocket strike of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the type and number of missiles was not specified.

Airborne facilities worked on the city, it is reported in the OVA post. In the video that appeared on the network, you can see hundreds of Kyivans people hiding from a Russian blow in the subway. An hour after the explosions, a message from NEC Ukrenergo and DTEK appeared in the capital. The reports are about energy infrastructure, damaged by the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on August 26.

Due to damage in the region, emergency shutdowns are introduced, and all previous graphs are canceled. The head of the Kiev Ova Ruslan Kravchenko at 10 am He reported about the situation in the region. The official confirmed that the energy of the Kyiv region suffered from the impact of drones and missiles of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The air defense forces knocked down several enemy goals, the fragments fell in four areas.

As a result of the Russian blow, one person is injured, there are several objects of energy infrastructure, the official said. In this regard, the local authorities have ordered the deployment of unbreakable points. The head of the KMVA Sergey Popko confirmed that in Kiev unfolding points where people can recharge phones and receive other necessary assistance during power outages. He assured that energy was started and trying to cope with the consequences of Russian shelling on August 26.

In turn, Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko added some details about the events in the capital. According to the mayor, at 9 am. On August 26, the Right Bank residents temporarily were without water and light. An hour later, the official assured that the water supply was restored and the pressure would soon return to normal. As of 11 hours. On August 26, the Air Force did not abolish the alarm for Kiev and the region.

At 10:37, the Telegram channel reported that there are still six other regions over the capital region, as well as six other areas, Shahaped Drones-Kamikadze. There are several groups of drones at once in Kiev, so it is better for citizens to be in shelter, warned the military. It should be noted that during the air attack of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, on August 26, explosions were heard in Lutsk.