
Russian authorities refuse to evacuate the inhabitants of Kursk region - the spokesman of the Armed Forces Commandant

The Russian authorities do not respond to the request of the civilian residents of Sudzhi, said the spokesman of the commander Alexei Dmitrashkivsky. The problems of Russian citizens who live in the territory controlled by the Armed Forces do not relate to the official authorities.

The command of the Ukrainian defense forces, which is located in the territory of Sudzhi in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, from different parts of the world very often call local relatives with complaints about Russian authorities. A spokesman of the commandant Alexei Dmitrashkivsky told this during the telecommunication.

"A lot of people from different parts of the world - from Russia, Belarus, and France, and Poland, whose relatives remained in this territory - have been calling for us. , - the military said. One of the women told, added a spokesman that in all instances where she went, she was directly told that the problems of those Russians who are under the control of the territory of Kursk region, they were not bypassed, and the evacuation of such persons is not planned.

We will remind, recently in Sudzhi Kursk region became "louder": Russian troops began to resist the offensive of the Armed Forces, and civilians of the district center were not ashamed to make their demands on journalists and the military. The locals are also happy that they are lucky because the Armed Forces attack occurred in the summer, not in the winter. We also wrote that the Sudzhi resident in the Kursk region did not give up a three -year -old girl who ran into a replaced field.