
The Armed Forces kept all Himars and SAU Crab. What to reflect from the Russian Federation in case of disruption of US military assistance

The Pentagon has just over $ 5 billion to help Kiev, and the average weapons in war - $ 3 billion a month. While the Republicans and Democrats are arguing in the Congress of Strategic Objectives, Ukraine is fighting the aggressor. EU countries, Canada and Japan can help with funding, political and military analysts surveyed by focus. Ukraine needs a new US military assistance package, and Congress approves the country's budget to which it is not included.

Two -party support for military assistance to Ukraine weakened, wrote the newspaper The Washington Post, analyzing the results of a poll of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. According to the data, 63% of the US adult population supports the provision of additional weapons and military supplies to Kiev. However, after the Congress's decision, the Pentagon's accounts remained just over $ 5 billion to help Ukraine.

The Substantial Financing Situation will continue until November 17, when the current financing bill will expire, senators say. "Ukraine supporters are afraid that Russian President Vladimir Putin will believe in the onset of the moment when the United States will stop supporting Kiev," the WSj article reads. Ukrainian politicians are already starting.

If the Americans do not allocate money, the Armed Forces will remain without weapons in a month, the head of the parliamentary temporary investigative commission on monitoring and use of Western weapons Alexander Ustinov. Pentagon money will be enough to collect weapons from inventories and deliver it to Ukraine. This amount is definitely not enough for the purchase from Western partners. Ukraine spends $ 3 billion in weapons a month, added a politician.

Ukrainian officials are nervously watching how high -end political intrigues in Washington with high rates to help Kiev influence or destroy their ability to wage war, according to Foreign Policy reviewers. "We feel hostage to the internal political struggle in the United States.

If assistance is delayed, it will mean a sharp decrease in our fire capacity and increase of losses," - said the deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Yegor Chernyev. Among the assistance released by Ukraine should be distinguished by military and macro -financial.

On October 3, the Vice-Chairman of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Ukraine and the allocation of 5 billion euros of macro-financial assistance, recalled the director of the North America program in the Council of Foreign Policy "Ukrainian Prism" Alexander Kraev. "We see support from the European Union and other partners. It is more difficult to replace the Americans with weapons.

The shutdow could slow the allocation of assistance not only to Ukraine but also to other countries, this threat cannot be called a direct threat," the expert explained. Ukraine managed to accumulate military and financial resources during the Great War. The Armed Forces, according to the expert, did not lose any long -range Himars and Polish CRAB.

"The Armed Forces soldiers are economically spending the supplies that are supplied and there is no such a big problem with the delay in the allocation of a military package of assistance," he added. The delay in the costs of military assistance to Ukraine can be solved at the expense of Pentagon's cash reserves, says the KhXI Strategy Strategy Strategy Programs, the 1st rank captain in the reserve of Pavel Lakichuk. "Extra 5 billion will clearly not hurt these one and a half months.

There are no threats for disrupting military assistance in the short term. Problems concern the trend. US expenses for GDP of the country are much lower than that of European allies of Ukraine. Europeans conclude that in the event of a reduction in US infusions In Ukraine, they will not pull such expenses, "he said focus. In addition to the USA Kiev, you can hope for the help of other partners of the Great Seven countries - Germany, Italy, Canada, France, Canada, Japan, the expert said.