
Kherson's liberation: 4 weaknesses in defense of the invaders why continue to go in the CRI

When the Ukrainian flags are overwhelmed in Kherson, as they will free the city from the occupiers, where the weaknesses of the Russians and how the liberation of Kherson and the likelihood of Ukraine's accession to NATO are related, the focus found out. While Russian invaders are establishing new orders in temporarily occupied Kherson, Ukraine is preparing a military manner to deepen its territory.

Some experts believe that the city can be returned under the control of Ukraine even in August, and some say that it will take months. According to Igor Sobolevsky, Deputy Chairman of the Kherson Regional Council, the Armed Forces of Ukraine can release Kherson from the invaders as early as August. "It is likely that the Armed Forces will be released Kherson in August. We have a very large request of the society for the liberation of Kherson and Kherson region.

It is a fairly large region in which many people are in occupation and are waiting for liberation. Kherson region will certainly be released. However The terms need to be very careful, because we have no right to lose there, "Sobolevsky said on the air of Espresso. The official emphasized that the Armed Forces is preparing an operation to liberate Kherson and all temporarily occupied territories.

"The Armed Forces will be prepared and conducted on the release of Kherson region as soon as it becomes possible. It is necessary to be sure that such an operation will be successful, and only then to start active counter -offensive actions. It is necessary to take patience and simply wait," - said the deputy chairman of the Kherson Regional Council.

At the same time, the Major General of the Armed Forces Dmitry Marchenko stated that Ukraine plans to deduct Kherson and complete the active phase of the war by the end of this year. "Kherson is 100%. That is, the release of Kherson and the end of the active phase of war, and then some local hostilities will happen.

But by the end of the year we have to finish the basic phase of this war," Marchenko said, answering questions about the territories of the Armed Forces can be physically deduced by the end of the year. The Major General of the Armed Forces did not name the exact terms when the Ukrainian military began to release Kherson, but asked the locals to "suffer a little". However, Marchenko stressed that "it will not be as long as everyone expects, it will be fast.

" Major General is also convinced that the occupiers in Kherson will not be able to conduct their pseudo-referendums regarding access to Russia, since "Kherson are very pro-Ukrainian and will rest. " The first rank of reserve, deputy chief of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2004-2020, expert of the Center for Defense Strategies Andriy Ryzhenko reported the curtain and said that the release of Kherson region should take several weeks.

If you knock out the logistics support of Russian invaders, it can be done. Currently, reinforcement to the invaders is coming from temporarily occupied Crimea, and some of the forces are transferred from the Kharkiv direction. If there are 300 km missiles in Ukraine, the Armed Forces block the main arteries through which the Russian Federation supplies weapons to Kherson, Ryzhenko is convinced.

Russian invaders have two main ways of supplying weapons and four weaknesses of key importance in the temporarily occupied Kherson, said the deputy of the Kherson Regional Council Sergey Khlan. It is worth noting that Ukrainian defenders were already beating on the Antonovsky Automobile Bridge, the Daryevsky Bridge and the road through the HPP. But it will be safe to move transport on these connections - no one knows, except for the Armed Forces, which can be repeated.

If you cut the arteries that the invaders supply weapons to Kherson, they will not fight. Russian human rights activist Mark Feigin expressed the opinion that Kherson's release from the invaders could be used to start joining NATO. This is a difficult plan, but it can be implemented. According to Feigin, the successes of the Armed Forces and the complete release of Kherson from the occupiers can be used to promote their joining to NATO. However, it can be a kind of "partial introduction".

Feigin names the following conditions: Ukraine receives guarantees that they will not use nuclear weapons against it. And NATO instead does not come into war against the Russian Federation, but continues to assist weapons, ammunition and so on. "The plan is fantastic. But, in my opinion, real. There is nothing now that could be called fantastic. Who believed in Russia's war against Ukraine? Although we all knew about it.

But many wanted to think that it would not be So here, everything is possible in new conditions and circumstances, "Feigin said. It is likely that the Armed Forces will soon start to see the occupiers from Kherson. Therefore, the locals should be ready for long stay in shelters. People should stock up on food and water for several weeks. In addition, it is worth finding a reliable shelter so as not to get into the field of view of the invaders.

According to the reserve colonel and former adviser to the head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration Roman Svitan, the Ukrainian military will work extremely cautiously in order not to harm civilians. During the de -occupation in Kherson, both HIMARS and high -precision artillery will work, will destroy warehouses, command points and the infrastructure used by the enemy.

"Since we have high-precision weapons-both 155-mm artillery and Himars-we will try not to harm residential infrastructure and peaceful residents. But it should be understood that it is still the front that the city will get to the de-occupation area, so Kherson residents need to be stocked With water, food, to find places to provide for about two weeks somehow, " - said Svitan.

It is likely that the occupiers will try to create "deliberate problems" with the participation of civilians, or simply cover them as a living shield. People are also asked not to move unfamiliar routes. After the Ukrainian army is released by Kherson from the Russian invaders, it is likely that the Armed Forces will be on the offensive on the Crimea. However, there is one "but" - this requires enough weapons, said military expert Oleg Zhdanov.

"If there is enough strength and means, then, of course, yes. It is necessary to go to the Crimea immediately, to release it and thereby block the supply of troops and to" put "our territory there. Today there are motor, tank units there. There is mainly repair and restorative there , air defense systems, coastal protection systems and the forces of the Black Sea Navy. And so, in principle, the number of troops is not so great, "Zhdanov said.

According to the expert, in this case, Ukrainians should divide the group into two directions, so that some troops enter the Crimea, and the rest - restrained the pressure of the invaders from Donetsk region. "It is difficult to predict how events will develop. It all depends on the supply of weapons," the expert said. Earlier, we reported that the adviser to the chairman of OP Arestovich told about the beginning of the invasion of the Russian Federation in the Kherson region.