
Indentation under airbots, shootings of prisoners: what is known about the exit of the Armed Forces from Avdiivka

According to journalists, the massive offensive of the Russians began on October 10, 2023. The Russians paid a very high price for taking the city. In four months of fighting, they lost almost 50,000 soldiers. The Avdiivka Defense Operation ended on February 19, when the 47 OMB units left their positions at the coke plant. The military-political command of Ukraine has stated that he wants to save the life of the fighters, but Avdiivka intends to return. About it reports "Public".

It is noted that during the release of the Defense Forces of Ukraine from the city began to appear that some units were surrounded and some of the soldiers were captured by the Russians. The publication writes that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have defended Avdiivka since July 2014. Then the Ukrainian forces were able to knock the fighters of the so -called "DNR" from the city. From that moment, Avdiivka has become one of the key strongholds of Donetsk direction.

It is reported that during a full -scale invasion, the massive offensive of the Russians began on October 10, 2023. As the temporary acting was told to journalists. Commander 2 of the Mechanized Battalion of the Presidential Brigade with the Samurai Call sign, in January-February 2024 the Russians changed tactics and began to storm more infantry. He also noted that the Russians paid a very high price for the capture of Avdiivka.

"In the north direction, in the area of ​​Krasnogorivka and Steppe, according to intelligence, two of their brigades were broken. You imagine that for four months they were crawling and constantly storming Avdiivka. It is not possible to compare with our losses at all - both in technology and in live power" , - Samurai said. The commander of the operational-strategic group "Tavriya" Alexander Tarnavsky stated that in four months of fighting the Russians lost almost 50 thousand soldiers.

Samurai notes that the enemy has gained a significant advantage in recent months, when he pulled up fresh forces - the brigades that were on restoration or in the reserve. Already on February 15, 2024, the 3rd OSHBR reported that its units were transferred to Avdiivka. Two days later, the Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Alexander Syrsky announced the exit of the Ukrainian group from the city. Prescribe 110 brigade Anton Kotsucon called the exit from Avdiivka with a multi -level operation.

The material states that Zenit was a key fortification in the south of Avdiivka. It was important not only to keep the city, but also to provide the rest of the garrison. Defended this stronghold 110-A OMBR. According to brigade serviceman Viktor Bilyak, the Russians constantly used mortars, tanks, BMPs, drones-Kamikadze, as well as sometimes rockets. "There was zero visibility at the exit. It was not an advantage for us, because there was no" night "or" day " - the enemy could also be a fire.

But for us it was a big minus because we didn't see where to go , it was very hindered by moving, "he said. The newspaper writes that the main position in the north of the city was "Koksokhim", where the defense was kept by fighters from a separate presidential brigade named after Hetman Bohdan Khmelnitsky. "Samurai" told reporters that the order for withdrawal from positions was given in a timely manner, and the operation was planned together with 3 OSHBR, which was engaged in the cover.

Therefore, the Samuraya battalion was able to get out of the "coke" without loss. The company commander 2 of the mechanized battalion Alexander said that if not massive air strikes, the position could not be left. The American edition of New York Times has written an article that it is said that at the exit from Avdiivka allegedly 850-1000 Ukrainian servicemen were captured.

According to Dmitry Likhov's operational-strategic group of Tavriya's operational-strategic group, the data is still clarified, but it is clear that hundreds of prisoners of prisoners cannot be about. On February 17, the commander of the "Tavriya" group "Tavriya" confirmed that some of the military were truly captured by the invaders at the final stage of retreat.

The material states that the fighters 3 of the OSHB also stated that they were captured, but after the operation was noted that they retreated without large losses. Other units told the same journalists. According to journalists, the seriously wounded Ukrainian fighters were to be evacuated separately from the units. Later, Ukrainian fighters recognized their relatives in video with shot bodies of captives in Zenit positions.

The serviceman Viktor Bilyak said that the five executed fighters of his brigade were recognized. The video also contained the body of the sixth fighter, probably from another unit. According to him, the road from Avdiivka lies with a dozen bodies of the Ukrainian military, which are not yet possible. Anton Kotsucon said they tried to get there with armored equipment and pickups to pick up the wounded. However, the movement of the Russians was so fast that Ukrainian equipment could not get there.

"They just shot everything that moved," he said. The command of the 110th brigade also stated that it warned the enemy about the severely wounded fighters in the position "Zenith. Yes, with the Russians there was an agreement to provide them with assistance and further exchange. Recall that the Armed Forces were told whether they lost up to a thousand fighters during the exit from Avdiivka. .