
More storms and aggression: under the Pokrovsky the number of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is dominated by defense forces - NSU

The Russian command moves the military forces fighting in the Donbass, explained the officer of the National Guard brigade. The reason for this movement is events in the Kursk region. However, the advantage of the enemy is still, and this is evidenced by the "aggressive nature of hostilities. " The units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to step on the Pokrovsky direction in the Donbass, prevailing the Armed Forces in both quantity and activity.

However, the situation on this area of ​​the front is still controlled, and the fighters of the defense forces effectively destroy the enemy. The details of the situation near Pokrovsk and the announcement of a two-week evacuation officer of the 1st separate detachment of the special unit "Omega" of the National Guard with the call sign "Samurai" told on the air of the TV channel "Kiev 24".

The officer explained that he could not say how much the advantage of the Armed Forces over the Armed Forces near Pokrovsk. However, there is an enemy's advantage. This is evidenced by active battles near Pokrovsk, as well as Toretsk - there is a "relatively complicated situation on the front line". According to him, there is no data on the number and composition of Russian units, since the enemy is in constant motion.

One of the reasons for this "revival" is the fighting that deployed during a breakthrough in the Kursk region, the Ukrainian military explained. "The number of the enemy against our troops undoubtedly prevails our forces both in the offensive equivalent and character - that is, in aggressive fighting," Samurai said. The military also explained what evacuation means from several settlements around Pokrovsk, announced by local authorities.

Evacuation is not associated with a possible threat to the road that the enemy is. The reason is a threat to people, homes and infrastructure facilities that suffer from increased strokes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the National Guard said. "Specifically, for two or three weeks, etc.

, we cannot set, but we understand that the enemy will increase the pressure on these cities in the near future and therefore it is necessary to make these movements for the safety of the population," - heard on the video. It should be noted that Focus wrote about the situation in Donetsk region near Pokrovsk, which was developed as of August 21. Deepstate project analysts were named the settlements where the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation took place.

One of these points is the village of Zotyne, near which the enemy expanded the bridgehead and heads towards the highway to Selidovo and Pokrovsk. The second is Novogrodivka: Here the Russians moved the front line by 1 km. At the same time in the report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces in the morning of August 21 wrote about 66 storms of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the morning on August 22 - on 53 storms.

The Ukrainian command emphasizes that the Pokrovsky direction is the hottest section of the front. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian fighter, who was holding defense near the time ravine, reported that the Russian command had transferred some forces to Kurshchyna, but took them from the reserve, not from the combat units. Military experts at the same time noted that the units from Kherson, Zaporozhye, Kupyansk, but from Donbass were not allotted from Kursk.