
NATO "one foot" in the war. Poland wants to knock the Russian missiles over Ukraine: what will it turn

Warsaw, before the NATO Summit, declared assistance to the Armed Forces in the destruction of the enemy's air goals. Russian missiles have repeatedly arrived in Poland and even killed its citizens, but the air defense products did not work. The focus found out if the bold statements of the Allies could be trusted. Signed between Poland and Ukraine on July 8, 2024, the Security Cooperation Agreement provides a number of significant measures.

Particularly noteworthy is the plans of Polish air defense units to help destroy Russian missiles and drones. The participants agreed to continue the dialogue with partners in order to study the justification and expediency of possible interception in the airspace of Ukraine missiles and drones released in the direction of Poland, according to the text of the agreement. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk stated that the idea of ​​rapid response to Russian threats was born in Warsaw.

It is not necessary to wait for air targets to fly into the territory of the country of NATO, so they need to knock them over Ukraine. At the same time, the head of government emphasizes the importance of clear coordination of steps with other NATO members. It is obvious that in Moscow, such steps as the involvement of Poland into the war on the side of Ukraine are considered from Moscow.

Former commander of the military unit of special purpose forces of Poland Grom, General Roman Polko believes that the Polish army should stay away from being "one foot in the war. " "We will not participate in any war. But to wait for the rocket to cross the Polish border, it is not worth it. This warhead may explode. We do not know if it has a nuclear charge in it," he noted his position.

The idea of ​​whipping Russian missiles flying towards Poland during attacks in Ukraine can be discussed at the NATO summit in Washington, promises a spokesman for the United States State Department Matthew Miller. However, Politico authoritative editors are convinced that none of the agreements is a contract, their optional status makes them brittle.

The agreements with Poland, according to political scientist Igor Reiterovich, will not be performed not in the current period of Russian-Ukrainian confrontation. As an analogy, he cites the agreement of Israel and neighboring countries, allowing the tsakhal to knock out rockets in their airspace. The agreement was manifested on the night of April 14, 2024, when Tehran released hundreds of rockets and shock drones through Israel.

Jordan helped the goals of Tel Aviv, with which Israel fought and concluded a peace treaty in 1994. Israeli pilots worked without problems in the Jordan airspace. Saudi Arabia and some other Arab countries also helped to reflect a massive attack. Many rockets and drones have knocked down the US, Britain and France. In a full -scale war with the Russian Federation, direct integration of Western air defense systems with Ukrainian is not considered and the only consent of Poland is clearly not enough.

It happens that NATO countries operate separately on a number of issues, but mainly state states, Reitrovich notes. The agreement on the possible destruction of Russian missiles seems like a symbolic reminder of support of Ukraine's desire to get to NATO. The reserve colonel, an expector of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vladislav Seleznev, is skeptical of the implementation of the agreement. "The case does not work.

The Alliance is kept as far away from participating in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Everyone seeks to avoid Moscow's accusations that they are a party to conflict. We have repeatedly seen Russian missiles exploded in Poland and was there a response?" - he asks the question. The Yavoriv landfill was repeatedly attacked by rockets 30 kilometers northwest of Lviv.

The shells entered the air space of Poland, the F-16 aircraft rose, the radars of the SCR monitored the movement of missiles, but did not knock them down, Seleznyov notes. The focus analytics interviewed are expecting a powerful practical component based on the result of NATO summit in Washington. You can hope for obtaining Patriot and fighters in response to Russia's terrorist actions, Igor Reitrovich is convinced.

Kyiv will also receive financial assistance: NATO Allies have agreed to allocate 40 billion euros in 2025. From the point of view of the political component, the leaders of the Western countries at the summit will announce plans to coordinate weapons supplies and confirm the promise that Ukraine will eventually become their full ally.

The sources of The New York Times say they will also be feared about the purchase of rockets, drones and details for their production in Iran, North Korea and China. "We will also hear the flow of encouraging statements about unconditional support and deep concern for rocket strokes of the Russian Federation at the hospital" Okhmatdit ", - summed up expert Vladislav Seleznyov. American officials also emphasize the impossibility of returning all territories of Ukraine.