
In Ukraine, a database of foreign components in the Russian weapons appeared: details

The NAPC presented a portal, which already has more than 2000 components used by Russia and Iran in the production of drones, missiles, HRS systems and other types of weapons. The National Anti -Corruption Agency (NAPC) has launched an open database that contains foreign components used by the Russian Federation in weapons production. This was reported by the NAPC press service. "The democratic and civilized world should unite around the non -proliferation of our technologies to aggressors.

Only in this way we are able to ensure peace, safety and stability at the global level," the NAPC said. The agency noted that such a database is the first of its kind and already has more than 2000 components used by Russia and Iran in various UAVs, rockets, radio electronic fighting systems and many other types of weapons and military equipment.

The database contains information about the manufacturers and technical characteristics of each component, as well as weapons data that uses a particular component. "So everyone from a investigative journalist to a foreign high-ranking official will be able to gather a sufficient evidence base and explore the supply chains, bring the accomplices of this war to justice," the NAPC noted.

We will remind, on October 26 the media reported that despite the sanctions, Russia continues to buy imported components through intermediaries. Journalists found links between Russian weapons, smuggling chips and some outstanding personalities.