
Try to take the number: the Armed Forces told what weapons the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (video)

According to the presenter of the 3rd OSHB, Alexander Borodin, now the war is fundamentally different from what was in February 2022. The enemy tries to use shock drones massively. Russian invaders continue to attempt to capture new territories in different directions. They also continue to attack the peaceful cities of Ukraine. The presenter of the 3rd Separate assault brigade of the Armed Forces Alexander Borodin on the air of the Telvarathon told which weapon the enemy was bet on.

According to him, Russian invaders began to use shock drones more often at this stage of the war. They use them during the shelling of Ukrainian positions on the front line, as well as for attacks on the peaceful cities of Ukraine. The military noted that, apparently, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation made a high rate for this type of weapons.

In the first days of a full -scale invasion, reconnaissance drones and classic weapons systems were more commonly used, but after 21 months the situation changed specifically. The enemy works with shock drones, including drones-Kamikadze. Also, as Alexander Borodin noted, the number of Russian UAV operators has increased significantly and they are quite professional. "With regard to parity, we have an advantage in precision. We make decisions, technical new solutions.