
We work to give our warriors more air defense, more protection of cities to keep their lives - the President of Ukraine's appeal

I wish health, dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! The day was busy. It is important that it is today-and this is the 600th day of a full-scale war-a special representative of the US President for the restoration of our country Penny Pritsker arrived with a visit to Ukraine. An important signal is such a visit on such a day. A good meeting. We have managed to discuss all those issues that directly affect life in Ukraine. Protection of our energy, especially this winter. Macro -financial support.

Reconstruction. Protecting investments from war risks. Involvement of private business. Each of these directions is elements of the general structure. Designs that provide a normal life for our people, our cities. As far as possible now. We work as much as possible to give our soldiers more aircraft. To give more protection to cities so that they have life, including economic life. Plus the development of our industries, in particular defense industries. All this together retains our stability.

All this together adds strength to Ukraine. And I am grateful to each of our partners - everyone who helps. All whose support programs are long -term. Everyone who understands that it is a marathon, and in the marathon, you must keep the right pace, calculate the strength and see, clearly see that the end of the distance should be victory. He had several telephone talks today. With Finnish President and Canada Prime Minister. The situation is on the battlefield. Supporting our defense.

The formula of peace. We continue to prepare a new meeting in the format of national security advisers. I am grateful to Mr. Finnish President, and Mr. Prime Minister of Canada for his constant and fundamental attention to Ukraine, for his sincere faith in Ukraine and our people. They also discussed the situation in the Middle East. Prevention of greater escalation. But helping people, protecting people. It is important that what is in the Middle East does not grow into an even greater catastrophe.

And our warriors. Gratitude every day. Warriors of the 110th Separate Mechanized Brigade, Seventystyatka DShV, artillerymen of the 55th brigade. Thank you guys for your power! For the exact destruction of the Russian invaders, which is needed by Ukraine. And also-paratroopers of the 82nd separate brigade and warriors of the 148th separate artillery brigade of DShv. I thank you for the courage and your effectiveness in offensive actions. Each step is important. Every hostile loss makes sense.

Thank you! And separately - our intelligence. The fighters of the special unit "Kraken" GUR MO, who are defense in the Kupyansk region. Thank you guys! Thank you for your strength, for performance! Glory to all our soldiers! Today I signed new decrees on the honors of the warriors with state awards. For all the time of this war - a full -scale war - more than 60 thousand Ukrainians and Ukrainian women have been awarded for participation in battles for the sake of the state.