
"We will not be able to fly": the Armed Forces warned about the Ukrainian Reb, which will knock down its drones

The mass use of the HRs on the front has the opposite side - they do not allow to fly drones. The loss of drones from friendly fire is already significant, and they can still increase. Thousands of electronic wrestling have already been delivered to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and tens of thousands are expected.

About his Telegram-channel was told by Ukrainian military and specialist with the IP Sergey Beskrestnov with a call sign "Flash" and warned that this could create big problems for the use of drones at the front. According to a specialist, the remedies of the IR, which should protect the fighters from enemy drones, will interfere with the Armed Forces to manage their own.

The root of the problem is the mismatch between the units, so it is necessary to account, control and training in the use of small infantry complexes. "Reb is not canned food and not thermal insist. Now it is bought for their money by all those who want to be at any capacity and ranges and include as they want and where they want. Who is on 30 watts, who are 200 watts. This chaos of domes will end that we will not be able to fly on FPV or wings. It will be worse.

" On Facebook and Telegram, commentators also indicate this approach. Systematization can increase the predictability of the Armed Forces for the enemy. The Russians also have exploration and will probably be able to obtain data on possible systematization. The problem raised by Sergei Beskrestnov is not new. Back in March 2023, the commander of the driver's drones, junior sergeant Alexander Karpyuk (Serge Marco), told about the inconsistency of the wires and the Reb.

He described a situation where one of the units turned on the IE without coordination with the other. As a result, drones cannot rise into the air, and the infantry remains without cover. "No Russian Reb has never done more harm in this sector," Karpyuk says. In October 2023, Sergei Beskrestnov commented for focus the topic of drones loss through "friendly fire" of air defense forces and radio electronic struggle.