
Switzerland may give up neutrality because of war in Ukraine

The country may also lift a ban on weapons re -export, as the prohibition of weapons sales has influenced relations with some countries. The Russian-Ukrainian war can be the cause of Switzerland's refusal of neutrality. This was reported by Politico with reference to the report of the expert working group on the country's security. "After Russia's attack on Ukraine, neutrality again became the subject of political debate both domestically and abroad.

Pressure on Switzerland in order to clarify its position is increasing," the report reads. Diplomats, high -ranking officials and military worked on the report. The recommendations will be the basis of Switzerland security strategy for 2025. The authors of the report do not propose Switzerland to completely abandon neutrality and join NATO.

They urge the country to be closer to the Alliance and the EU for joint preparation, protection against ballistic missiles, bilateral and multilateral exercises. The report is also advised to increase military expenses to 1% of GDP by 2030 - the country is currently spending on defense 0. 76% of GDP. In addition, according to experts, the ban on weapons re -export should be lifted.

Berne now prohibits the sale of weapons at war, so last year weapons have decreased by 27% and was less than 746 million euros. It was a fact that Swiss relations with other countries who would like to send weapons with Swiss components, but cannot. Switzerland has the oldest policy of military neutrality in the world. The country did not participate in the wars since its establishment of the Paris Treaty in 1815. This is one of the main principles of the country's foreign policy.