
They pull out everything that has been cured: in Estonia, the cops slow down the flash mob of the Russians "I am Russian" (video)

The Russians are dissatisfied with the actions of law enforcement officers, but are afraid of deportation and fine, so provocative stickers are reluctant to be removed. In Estonia, a Russian flash mob called "I - Russian" was stuck with Estonian law enforcement. The Russians who escaped from the Russian Federation to Estonia from mobilization decided to show their public position and began to finish the rear glasses of their cars with patriotic inscriptions.

Police catches such drivers and make them stick to the sticky. About it writes a local edition of ERR. The Russians are dissatisfied with such actions of law enforcement officers, which causes conflicts, but fearing that they will be deported or taken away by a car on a penalty area, they still cut out car stickers. So on the network one of the Russians released a video where local police forced them to shoot "I - Russian" from their cars.

"Pediters are shrinking," said the Russian against Estonian law enforcement officers. Also, on September 23, in Tallinn, there was another case in Lasamyae. When a car with such a sticker parked near the high -rise building, a Ukrainian flag appeared in one of the apartments of this house. In response, a group of people began to throw stones out of the windows. The police searched for the car owner and explained to him to remove the sticker because the inscription is provocative.

In the last few days in Tallinn, police have forced about 20 drivers to remove this inscription. In one case, criminal proceedings were opened, because in addition to the sticker "I am the Russian" Russian decorated his car with the flag of the Russian Federation. We will remind that on September 25, Latvia police stated that it will be fined for the car sticked "I - Russian" and other symbolism, which expresses support or glorify Russian aggression against Ukraine.