
The Russian Federation is an "unusual" country: Erdogan said that it is not necessary to treat Putin - the media

Turkish President has stated that Russia is one of the leading grain producers in the world, and therefore its position and thoughts cannot be ignored by the world community. Turkish President Recep TaiP Erdogan has expressed disagreement with the fact that many world leaders are negative about the head of the Kremlin Vladimir Putin. About it writes Bloomberg. According to the Turkish leader, Russia is an unusual country that cannot be ignored.

"Both leaders and prime ministers are negative about Putin. Of course, we do not have the same attitude. I do not consider the right attitude. Because Russia is an unusual country," Erdogan said. The publication noted that Turkey is currently asking world leaders to facilitate the insurance of Russian exports of grain and fertilizers by Lloyd's London's company and re -connect Moscow to SWIFT for international payments.

Journalists have suggested that Turkey's efforts are unlikely to affect allies of Ukraine in the US and Europe. "Russia is one of the leading grain producers in the world. Now you can't ignore such a country," Erdogan said. He said Turkey would establish relations with the Russian Federation. We will remind that on September 19 the media reported that Turkey purchased coal from the occupied regions of Ukraine.