
A new SkyFall Drone Drone Dron Drona: What are the goals he can impress (video)

SkyFall drone will work in tandem with UAV reconnaissance, affecting the objects at a distance of 40-60 km, the developer says. Ukraine is developing a Dron-Kamikadze Vertical takeoff and planting SkyFall, designed to destroy enemy armored vehicles and fortifications. This was told by a representative of the company-developer Starkdefence of the Militar portal. It is reported that the SkyFall unmanned complex includes management station and 3-5 percussion drones.

Drones work in tandem with reconnaissance UAVs, which detects goals, and also used as a repeater. Thanks to the vertical take -off and landing function, a new drone does not require special devices such as catapult. SkyFall is expected to impress targets within 40 - 60 km. The main purpose of the drone is the destruction of armored vehicles and the fortification of an enemy army. To do this, the UAV was equipped with a 5-kilogram combat part, which can be a fugas or fugas-kumulative.

The optical guidance system of Ukrainian production will allow drones to be given to movable and stationary goals both day and night. In addition, the UAV received the Ukrainian autopilot. UAVs also have a function of cancellation of a combat mission if the goal has already affected or changed the residence. In this case, the drone will return back and after recharging the battery will be able to go to another mission. This option will allow you to use drones more economically.

According to the Starkdefence representative, SkyFall drone is currently under internal testing. The developers test the completion system in different conditions, combat part and safety protocols. Recall that the Canadian company Aeromao has developed a drone VT-NAUT with a fixed wing and with the function of vertical takeoff and planting.