
The boat with the occupiers did not assault the positions of the Armed Forces in Kherson region (photo)

The Russians were storming the island of Nesriag, but their plans were "subcortical" and the boat flew into the air, Robert Brody said. A boat with Russian invaders exploded in the Kherson region, who stolen the positions of the Armed Forces on the island of Negrim. This was reported by the Ukrainian commander of the Magyar Birds Unit Robert Magyar. "Gadia was lost in the Dnieper. 7 confident worms with one swim," he commented.

The published footage shows how a boat with Russian invaders rushes the reservoir and at some point explodes. The invaders fly in different directions. It is noted that the Russians were storming the island of Nesurig, but their plans were "subcorteined". At the end of April 2024, in the Kherson region, the Russian invaders were released by the island of Nesriag, but the invaders did not leave attempts to land in the liberated territory.

"There will be no seven white patterns, they will be considered missing. Because who will feed our Ukrainian cancer?" We will remind that on May 23 it was reported that in Kherson region the forces of defense have success near the village of Krynka. They left the settlement and advanced further. The Russians have recorded many losses.