
The Russian Federation sent to fight 10,000 migrants to Ukraine: the Kremlin was explained in Britain

According to analysts, with the help of foreigners Moscow tries to limit the impact on those sections of the Russian population that have greater political independence. About 10,000 migrants who have recently become citizens of the Russian Federation were sent to the war against Ukraine. In the UK Ministry of Defense Intelligence report, they told more about the case. At the end of June, the chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin at the St.

Petersburg International Law Forum stated that the authorities managed to identify about 30,000 migrants who did not on military registration. 10,000 of them have already been sent to the war zone, where they will have to dig trenches and perform other responsibilities in addition, analysts say that Russian law enforcement agencies are conducting a campaign of legal prosecution of migrants.

In particular, it is about citizens from Central Asia, who are trying to persuade to service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. If they agree to sign the contract, then they may avoid arrest on fictional charges or can receive Russian citizenship, they write in British intelligence.

"Probably, this is another resourceful way to increase the call to the army, trying to limit the impact on those layers of the Russian population that have greater political independence," the message reads. We will remind, on June 12 it was reported that citizens of Sri Lanka "deceived" to participate in the war in Ukraine. According to journalists, the recruiters sent for the former Sri Lankan military in WhatsApp messages that promised Russian citizenship, land and $ 2. 1 thousand a month.