
Ukraine loses cultural heritage on a scale of unprecedented world war - media

According to experts, the Russians attack churches and libraries. In addition, the fighting is destroyed by medieval cemeteries and the remains of the Bronze Age settlements. The war, which began Russia, destroyed the cultural heritage of Ukraine on a scale of unprecedented since the Second World War. Newsweek writes about it. According to a study of an international group published in Antiquity to understand how cultural heritage is destroyed, an assessment is needed.

Professor of anthropology at Notre Dama Jan Kuyt University told reporters that there is an urgent need to systematically visit places with damaged cultural objects. The group visited the liberated areas around Kyiv and Chernihiv to evaluate the damage caused to cultural sites. The material states that scientists have found that the damage caused is much more serious than it was expected.

"Our research shows that in the liberated territories, such as Chernihiv, Russians attacked cultural sites, including libraries and churches. Many of these structures were either destroyed or have been seriously harmful," Kuit said. According to the professor, excavations often occur within the study. Military actions also destroy what is underground - medieval cemeteries and remains of Bronze Age settlements.

Moreover, as the researchers noted, their work is limited only to the territories liberated from the Russians. They cannot work in the war zone. There is a much higher level of loss. We will remind that on November 14 in the CNS reported that in the temporarily occupied territories the Russians destroyed almost all Ukrainian books. According to the underground, the enemy continues to leave Lugansk and Donetsk region without Ukrainian culture.