
Attacked Lukoil, Bank of Russia and Rosya: Hackers of GUR have struck Russian infrastructure

The BO Team cyberseks' hackers, together with the specialists of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, attacked Russian companies that support the war. According to sources in Ukrainian intelligence, on September 4, Cyberfachivtsi GUR MOU, together with the Team, struck network infrastructure in the territory of the aggressor state. This was reported by sources of focus in Ukrainian intelligence.

In total, 18 servers were destroyed without the possibility of recovery, the infrastructure of Anatena LLC was affected, which provides services to a large number of authorities and commercial enterprises that support Russia's aggression against Ukraine. In particular, the configurations on 598 network switches (D-Link, Mikrotik, Ubiquti WiFi) of the Chief Provider and 389 devices in the Provider, which provided access to the World Wide Web to all customers of companies, were worn.

Hackers also managed to pump all the provider's databases with names, phones, addresses and passport data. The attacks of Ukrainian hackers have stopped providing Internet and digital television services in the Ivanovo region for over 13,000 users. "Gur IU continues the process of systematic dismantling of the network infrastructure of the aggressor state. Expect news until there is still a connection with the World Wide Web in the Russian Federation," the interlocutor said in intelligence.