
They will not posters behind them: the army of the Russian Federation will replenish the "Zoka", migrants and occupied Ukrainians (video)

According to the analyst Dmitry Snegirev, the Russian Federation has a large stock for "meat storms", and Putin is straining the situation in the north of Ukraine. Compatible exercises for checking air defense in Belarus are evidence that Putin wants to stretch the Ukrainian forces as much as possible from the Russian Front Dangerous for the Army, as well as to create tension throughout the Ukrainian-Belarusian and Ukrainian-Russian borders in the north.

This was stated in an interview with Focus by military expert Dmitry Snegirev. Putin is not in vain, according to the expert, hinted at his so -called "straight line" about the front line of 2000 km, with attention to the exacerbation of the situation in the north. It was there that the sabotage and intelligence groups of the invaders actively began their activity.

"The plan from the aggressor is quite simple - to delay the Ukrainian forces into these areas and make it impossible to transfer the reserves of the Armed Forces to the points of possible breakthrough of the enemy," the expert said. "And although Ukrainian intelligence and intelligence of partners speaks of 450 thousand invaders in our territories, but Putin declared 600 Thousands.

" Such statements are not trifles at all, Dmitry Snegirev believes, because Ukraine will have to spend considerable money and time on improving the second and third lines of defense in the northern directions (Chernihiv, Sumy and Kyiv regions), and this will interfere with and inhibit the creation of appropriate protection in the coal, which For example, where the invaders are now actively torn.

Although at this time, according to the analyst, a large number of troops of the army of the Russian Federation have not been recorded in the territory of Belarus, it is necessary to be ready and for such an offensive from the north and the Armed Forces already actively improves defense. It is still necessary to pay attention to Putin's readiness to "play long", that is, not to stop active fighting despite losses or costs, the expert emphasizes.

The total mobilization resource of the Russian Federation is 10-12 million people, and the prepared mobilization resource is 1. 7 million according to open sources, says Dmitry Snegirev. But Putin can only declare total mobilization if full -scale hostilities in Russia.