
"Will be a disaster": can Ilon Musk disable Starlink and what is threatening the Armed Forces - experts

In Ukraine - and in general in the world - there are no alternatives yet, because all other systems are inferior to Starlink in mass, convenience and price. The American billionaire Ilona Maska, the founder of SpaceX, was accused of deliberately blocking the Starlink satellite Internet near Crimea, which prevented Ukrainian military operations on the occupied peninsula. Focus asked experts what Ukraine is threatening to turn off this communication technology and whether there are alternatives.

The Ukrainian military specialist in communication and radio electronic wrestling Sergey Beskrestnov, known under the call sign "Flash", during an interview recognized that the risk of blocking the Internet Starlink in Ukraine is there, since it is a private network and it has a private owner - Ilon Musk is . The risk somewhat reduces the US government's interest in helping the Ukrainian army.

In the future, the desire to earn a mountain may have to pay for Starlink satellite communication services at its own expense. The Ukrainian telecommunications market expert Roman Khimich in a conversation with Focus recalled that every two to three months, Ilona Maska is addressed to new accusations of actions that undermine the efforts of Ukrainian troops on the battlefield. Now they have joined public suspicions of treason and betrayal of US interests.

Traditionally, these incidents have been written off on subjective factors, such as the eccentricity of Ilon Mask and his narcissism, but in the end, the inhabitants of Ukraine do not understand important objective factors that again and again cause tension around Starlink. "Let's start with the fact that today the US is an absolute leader in the use of the Earth. Both civilian and military purposes, both in quantitative and qualitative terms.

Neither China nor India, EU or Russian They do not even have a close comparable opportunity and will not have them for the next 3-5 years, "-said Roman Khich. The story of "disconnecting" by Ilon Musk Starlink, which was why Ukrainian attacks on objects in Crimea were thwarted for the first time in the winter of 2023.

Roman Khimich highlighted the key points that became known at the time: the expert suggested that the SpaceX position was either not brought to the Ukrainian authorities and drones, or they ignored it. He drew attention to what looks for the second year in a row transfer of Western military technologies to Ukraine: first, partners say, of irrelevant technology for Ukraine, then about too long transmission, but subsequently the next system came into service with the Armed Forces.

Roman Khimich believes that Ilon Musk himself has no excessive impact on satellite communications, but together with the US government tries to avoid a full -fledged arms race in the space sphere. Recently, Ilon Musk, an argument that is not available in the occupied territories of Starlink because of anti -Russian sanctions, and to activate access, he needs a white house permission, only confirms the presence of contradictions.

"I do not see the reason to say that the mask has some special and excessive influence on the Starlinka. The fact that the mass audience, including politicians and dealers of though The hostage of which was both Ilon Musk and the US government, - says Roman Khimich. "There is no reason to speak about the possibility of blocking Starlinka in the territory of Ukraine under the control of legal power.

Even with the blocking of Ukrainian drones, as far as you can judge, the decision has already been found. The US government has purchased several hundred Starlinka sets from SpaceX, which is not covered in orbit), nor in some of the opportunities provided. Both Ilon Musk and the US government are very serious about potential and relevant risks for Starlink and consider them to be a priority task.

The contradictory steps and statements of Ilon Mask - an unexpected phenomenal success of Starlink on the battlefield. Purely civilian in design and architecture, the project "shot" as a military. Before that, neither Max, SpaceX nor Baiden administration could be ready. Successful use of Starlink has created a number of significant risks that have no response to the mask or the US government, "the expert added. The main risk is to deploy similar decisions by other global players, especially China.

Sides, aggressively competing with Starlink in the commercial services market, on the other hand, the Chinese will have a platform for the placement of reb facilities specialized in the suppression of Starlink, GPS and other US satellite systems. In fact, the risk of another arms race is in fact. outer space, and with completely unpredictable for the US result. This scenario has already begun to be implemented because the PRC announced plans to create its own analogue Starlink.

Sergey Flesh reminded that from the first day of the war he was trying to prepare Ukrainians for possible blocking Starlink. that Ilon Musk can completely disable his connection, and whether the Russians will eventually create a working system of electronic warfare capable of suppressing satellites. "For the Russian Federation Starlink is also a challenge, he prevents them, so we do not know what they are working on.

The Russians tried to suppress him, but they did not work out in the sky, because there are so many satellites in the sky. I am sure that such works are ongoing, Perhaps the moment they can, for example, suppress 100-200 satellites in the sky, leaving the front of the front without communication through Starlink. It is necessary to prepare morally. I will say at once: it will be a catastrophe for us.

It is not a secret that In the army, everything is built on Starlink-the connection of headquarters, commands, all thoughtful and unimaginable communications, any technical solutions, any data transmission, information, "-explained the expert. Roman Khimich is also concerned about the attempts by the Russians to create effective solutions to suppress Starlink.

According to him, the Russian Federation plans to use such systems not only in the war zone in Ukraine, but also in its territory and lands of its allies. "Such technologies are known, and in the presence of sufficient technical and organizational resources in the Russians can be embodied in more or less effective solutions. In fact, it is a threat of blocking Starlink signal in a variety Space machines whose activities will be considered hostile.

The relevant technologies are also available, developing rapidly and are becoming more accessible, " - said telecommunications specialist. As Sergey Beskrestnov shared, from large units to small units in the Armed Forces there is a spare version of satellite communication, which appeared before Starlink and a full -scale invasion. It is still in the Ukrainian troops and works, not so convenient and massive, but closes the main nodes.

"No system can replace Starlink by mass, it is simply not technically impossible, because few can compete with it in capacity, speed, etc. ," the military communicator emphasized. He also said that the classic internet communication system involves the principle of satellite television when the antenna-tart is directed at one stationary satellite.

The plate is large, inconvenient, it needs to be properly tuned, and the connection immediately disappears if you move it at least a little to the right or left. "This is an alternative to us, and the same alternative is now used by the Russians. Starlink is convenient because any soldier will unfold it anywhere, anywhere, as well, and he will work,"-summed up Sergei Flash. Roman Khimich also shares this opinion.

According to him, all known alternatives are greatly inferior to Starlink either in terms of functionality and consumer characteristics or at a price. For example, in August, information emerged that Satcube will put its terminals for satellite communications in Ukraine. According to the expert, this system offers a much lower load speed and is produced hundreds a year, while SpaceX has put more than 40,000 Starlink terminals in Ukraine since the beginning of a full -scale war.