
In Poland, special services detained a Ukrainian who was spying for

The suspect has lived in Poland since 2019, he had to monitor military facilities and seaports. Polish intelligence services detained the Ukrainian on suspicion of espionage in favor of Russia. Polish Minister of Internal Affairs Mariusz Kaminski in Twitter on July 10 reported about the delay of the next spy. "The internal security agency detained another participant in the spy network, who worked on Russian intelligence. The suspect monitored military facilities and seaports.

It was systematically awarded by the Russians. It is already the 15th detained as part of this investigation," the statement reads. A citizen of Ukraine has lived in Poland since 2019. During the financial reward from the Russians, the suspect photographed military facilities and seaports. At present, the detainee has been charged with activity in favor of foreign intelligence against the interests of the Polish Republic. He faces up to 10 years in prison.

Recall that on June 30, Polish law enforcement officers exposed the next Russian spy. The professional hockey player, who has been in Poland since October 2021, has transmitted information about the results of intelligence in the country, for which he received systematic "rewards". Earlier it was reported that Switzerland intelligence called spies with the Russian Federation through a country's membership in the UN Security County.