
US want to persuade China to reduce Russian support: Biden has already sent an official - NYT

According to journalists, Beijing is unlikely to turn away from the Kremlin, because it is his only partner among the great powers. US President Joe Biden sent his national security advisor Jake Sullivan to China for negotiations. About it writes The New York Times. According to journalists, negotiations are intended to demonstrate that the states and the PRC can settle their differences.

Sullivan began meeting with China's China's China's foreign official at a time when the White House seeks to strengthen its strategy on China. It is reported that Sullivan plans to discuss work with China on limiting the spread of fentanyl and expanding high -level military contacts. In addition, the US position on Taiwan and Moscow's support will be discussed.

The material says that China made it clear that he would raise his own objections during negotiations, in particular about Taiwan's support by the states and on other issues. Analysts say Beijing wants the US to weaken the pressure on China, hoping that it will set a tone for a smoother relationship with the next White House administration.

However, it is reported that the most acute moments in relations between China and the US are Russia's war against Ukraine and increased China's aggression against Taiwan. Sullivan is likely to urge China to reduce its support for Russia. Yes, China buys huge volumes of Russian oil and supplies dual -use to Moscow. However, according to journalists, Beijing is unlikely to turn away from the Kremlin, because it is his only partner among the great powers.

On the other hand, according to the newspaper, Chinese officials will try to criticize US support Taiwan, which Xi Jinping has threatened to seize forcefully if necessary. Beijing accuses Washington of promoting Taiwan's Independence by delivering weapons to the island of weapons and providing exchanges between US and Taiwan officials. We will remind, Biden made a statement on the occasion of Independence Day of Ukraine and told when the war will end.

The American leader recalled that when Russia began the war - Ukraine was a free country. She will remain the same after winning. The media also reported that in exchange for US data, the Ukrainian F-16 Viper has been set special protection against the threats of the Russian Federation.