
The occupiers are getting bigger - they go for money, and Crimea will help you free up missiles - an expert (video)

For every daily, 1000 Russian soldiers come the same fresh party of contractors from Russian poor, says military expert Roman Svitan. On the front, the enemy has a parity between the lost personnel and those who come to replace them, and to win the war for Ukraine will help rockets that will bleed the army of the Russian Federation. Military expert Roman Svitan told this in an interview with focus.

"Forces of self -defense of Ukraine daily destroy about a thousand invaders, but they are replaced by the same thousand of conscription points," the expert said. While this mercantile mechanism is valid, the Kremlin does not need global, loud mobilization, because it continues in a hidden mode, says Roman Svitan. The aggressor can maintain a constant balance at the level of 400,000 soldiers who are in the Ukrainian territory at the expense of contractors and so they plan to last the whole winter.

"Moreover, even if desired, a larger contingent in the Russian Federation will not be able to attract, because in the winter it is simply not possible to provide all the necessary fighters, emphasizing a specialist. more open mobilization. " Since any mobilization is unpopular, especially when people do not understand what they are fighting, it will not become effective in the Russian Federation, notes Roman Svitan.

Russian mobilized lessamed to fight, they are more captured, do not take care of the technique, and their families will resort to attempts at some pressure on power, which already spoils the ideal picture of "Putin stability". Therefore, the expert believes that there are no signals about total mobilization in the Russian Federation and Putin does not decide on it even after the election, because the large -scale plans of the Russian army for 2024 are not visible.

In addition, the army of the Russian Federation lacks equipment and ammunition even for existing soldiers, emphasizes Roman Svitan. Weapons that can be transformed by the course of the war in the First World War or Bombard Tanks in World War II, the expert sees the missiles of ATACMS or Neptune, as well as Air missiles of SCalp and Storm Shadow, which are constantly adopted by the Armed Forces from Western partners.

It is the long-range missiles (300-500 km) that will be able to attack the important logistics objects of the enemy, including in the Crimea, to destroy the bases and warehouses of ammunition, which will serve as a significant bleeding of the enemy. It is rockets that can stop logistics by destroying the Crimean bridge and knocking out the Black Sea Fleet of the aggressor, notes the expert.