
Russia was preparing to pass Hussites from Yemen's weapons but did not make its plans - CNN

According to journalists, despite the fact that the transfer of weapons was postponed, Russia has sent its military to Hussites for three days. Russia was preparing to transfer to Hussites in Yemen rocket and other military equipment at the end of July. However, the country has abandoned these plans for pressure from the USA and Saudi Arabia. CNN writes about it.

According to two sources, the Saudi, who for many years waged a brutal war with Hussites before the United States helped to agree on a fragile truce in 2022 - having learned about plans, warned the Russian Federation from the supply of weapons to one of their main opponents. Separately, the United States approached Saudi Arabia to help convince Moscow. - It is noted that although the transfer of weapons was delayed, in late July it was sent to Yemen for three days in late July to help Hussites.

Yes, US officials watched from Russian ships in the southern Red Sea, the staff, selected by Hussites on boats and transferred to Yemen. Sources say that the Russians brought their bags with them, but nothing else that would look large enough for the transportation of weapons or its components. At the same time, it is unclear whether Russian ships were transporting equipment that the Russian Federation was preparing to transfer before the Kremlin refused the plan.