
Kremlin's extreme measures: what provocations will go to in response to the success of the Kursk operation

In the event of further success of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region, the RF leadership can prepare a number of provocations to then accuse the Ukrainian military of various crimes. Focus found out how the Kremlin is able to respond to the operation of the Ukrainian army. The leadership of the Russian Federation and the command of the Russian army are dissatisfied with the fact that the fighting conducting the Armed Forces in the Kursk region is not accompanied by violence against civilians.

On the contrary, Ukrainian defenders allow the local to leave the war zone. Because of this, the Russians try to use the situation in the Kursk region for new information attacks against Ukraine. This was reported by the Head of the Center for Combating Misinformation, Defense Officer Andriy Kovalenko.

According to him, the Russian Federation has created the following information threats: the escres that the focus spoke with, state that the Russian Federation can use several scenarios to distabilize the situation, if the Armed Forces continue to move in the Kursk region. One of these options is a threat to civilian population. "The Russian leadership can create a picture of mass executions or mararas to try to blame the Ukrainian side of the event," says military expert Dmitry Snegirev.

The Russian elite still used similar provocations. In particular, during the Russian-Ukrainian war. "In fact, the Russian elite is representatives of special services, descendants of KGB, VNK, OGPU, NKVD, that is, they are good experts in provocations.

Remember," Ryazan Sugar "(a series of terrorist acts in Russian cities in 1999, when several multi -storey houses Expanded in the basement of explosives), in front of the second Chechen campaign, and a number of such actions aimed at killing civilians of the Russian Federation, and, accordingly, the creation of an information basis for the implementation of Putin and its advisers.

Once? Another possible option that the Russian Federation can use against the Armed Forces is provocation on nuclear objects. First of all, it concerns Kursk NPP. Recently, Russian invaders have already staged a fire in the territory of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in a temporarily occupied energy.

After that, the representative of the Council of the Federation of Russia Dmitry Rogozin addressed the Ukrainian side with a "warning" that it is not necessary to try to return the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant captured by the Russians, and accused the Ukrainian command of preparation of the disaster. The same can happen in the Kursk region, experts say.

"The Russians began to swing the topic" NPP attacks "two weeks before the Armed Forces entered the Kursk region, accusing Ukraine of non -shaped blows using UAVs on nuclear objects. And note that the information appears on the background that at the Zaporizhzhia NPP, which is accused of the Ukrainian side The cloud will reach not only to Russia, but also in Europe, " - says Snegirev.

Seleznyov adds that the Ukrainian army does not even move in the direction of Kurchatov, where Kursk NPP is located, so the Russian Federation will be difficult to accuse the Armed Forces of such provocation. "This is obviously not included in our plans. Because we are responsible users of nuclear power facilities and do not strive to create problems through a catastrophe in the territory of the atomic object.