
Broken legs: in Russia, students began to jump out of the windows, hearing the sound of the siren - Roszmi

The incident happened in the middle of the lessons. There was an emergency shutdown of electricity at the local substation, because of this, a fire alarm system worked at the school. In Russia in the city of Ulyanovsk, students received fractures of the limbs, after they began to jump out of the windows of the school when the firefighter worked. About it writes Russian edition Shot. The incident happened in the middle of the school day.

There was an emergency shutdown of electricity at the local substation, because of this, a fire alarm system worked at the school. One of the students began to run the corridor and shout the word "terrorist attack". The children who heard him were frightened and began to run out of the offices, creating panic and crushing. Three students jumped out of the windows of the second floor. As a result, the boy with a girl's leg fracture, and the second boy has compression spinal damage.

2 criminal proceedings were opened after injury to students - under the articles "negligence" and "causing serious harm to health". The actions of the teacher who was in the office at the time are also checked. The maximum punishment under these articles is up to 12 years of colony. Recall that on the night of September 13, air alarm was declared in eight settlements of Romania along the Danube. In this case, the wreckage will be searched at a distance of 20 km from the river.