
Ukraine's accession to the EU: Expert explained if the war could prevent European integration (video)

Despite the fact that Ukraine is underway in Ukraine, it cannot interfere with its stupa to the EU, since there are no formal criteria for membership in the European Union today. The negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported, will begin in early 2024, and in order to fully comply with the EU standards, Ukraine should make up to 5000 amendments to various regulations.

What the future negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU mean, and whether a warring country can become part of the European Union, said Focus Igor Chalenko, the head of the Center for Analysis and Strategies. "It is quite obvious that European integration for Ukraine is a long process, and as of today we are actually in half a path of full membership in the EU.

Beginning of negotiations will outline certain special points for our country in order to meet both European regulations and issues regarding reforming different spheres. In fact, it will be a huge set of questions, "he said. Igor Chalenko recalled that the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmigal has previously noted that Ukraine needs to be submitted up to 5000 amendments to various regulations in order to fully comply with the European Union.

"At the same time, the Ukrainian authorities are a very ambitious task to do this" homework "in 2 years. Although in the EU they look more pessimistic, someone speaks of the 2030s, someone is tied to a total expansion from 27 members to 36 members where it is clear that Ukraine will actually be at the forefront of this process and will entail other countries.

We understand that we have to get a political decision from the European Council and thank the European Commission for the recommendation we were given, "the expert says. He noted that despite all the difficulties, Ukraine now demonstrates good results on the path to European integration. "I think that Ukraine Suggoda shows truly fantastic results. Nobody expected such a pace from Ukraine. It affects not only the Euro -officials but also the countries in the European Union.

And now the anti -fire of Ukraine, such as the same Hungary, invent like the same Hungarian We will slow this path a little. But Ukraine today, like that icebreaker, breaks through European integration, "says Igor Chalenko. He added that despite the fact that Ukraine is underway in Ukraine, it cannot interfere with its stupa to the EU, since there are no formal criteria for membership in the European Union today.

"The issue of joining new members requires a consolidated position of all current European Union Member States. It is obvious that certain skeptics in the EU will be pressed on this issue. I want to remind that today's EU members have a number of unresolved territorial issues-as Croatia with Bosnia and Hercugovina. Slovenia, Cyprus, where part of the territory belongs to Turkey, part of Greece.

Therefore, all these issues that arise in us in connection with the war, with the fact that the Russian The way to European integration, "the expert said. Recall that the EU wants to hit the production of weapons in the Russian Federation, the Kremlin counts on import substitution. If the EU really introduces a ban on export of accurate workbenches in a 12th package of sanctions, a serious blow will be hit by the Russian defense-industrial base.