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According to the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Beijing is able ...

"Not toss the Russian Federation": Klimkin predicted the actions of the PRC after meeting SI with Biden

According to the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Beijing is able to press Moscow in issues of non -use of nuclear weapons, freedom of navigation in the Black Sea and strikes in civilian objects. Meeting between US President Joe Biden and the leader of the Chinese People's Republic, Xi Jinping is not able to solve all global problems between countries, including those related to Ukraine.

Differences in positions and lack of mutual trust between politicians create too large a gap to fully resolve the situation. Former Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin has informed about it. At the same time, he stressed that the visit of SI to the United States contributed to the improvement of the common atmosphere in the relationship between the two countries both externally and internally.

"Each of the leaders can write to themselves in plus serious things: these are a clear declaration by Americans of" only China "policy, and Biden statement is about the desire to unite with Taiwan in a non -military way. Agreement to restore communication channels in crisis situations and control of exports with exports China's substances used for the production of synthetic drugs are also positive.

However, all this does not mean an increase in trust between the US and China, but rather a normalization of relations, "Klimkin said. He stressed that Beijing and Washington will continue to perceive the world dynamics as a rivalry between China and the United States, and the main priority in their relationship will avoid defeat in this competition.

"The Russian Federation is not a player at this level, but it can influence the balance of confrontation, to prove his benefit for China, at least as long as Putin is in power, because he has no other alternatives," the former diplomat emphasized. Klimkin predicts that China will not leave Russian regime, but at the same time escaped military cooperation with Russia, which can cause annoyance from the United States.

He also notes that China can put pressure on Russia in non -interference in nuclear affairs, nuclear freedoms in the Black Sea, where China is interested in supporting world food markets and iron ore, as well as in prevention of civilian objects. "It is unlikely that China will stand with the United States jointly, but to coordinate it with Americans - why not? Russian, "he points out.

Despite the main differences in the approaches between the West and China on the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, both sides are interested in the "control" of events. Thus, although this cooperation can be situational and non -patient, they can attempt coordinated actions. "If such a change of circumstances arises, it will be critical for us to convince Europe that at stake and its safety, that is, it should become a geopolitical player and say its word.